Browse by Alphanumeric

Alphanumeric Title
P-2.2, r. 1 Regulation respecting the collection of support
P-9, r. 1 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national d’Aiguebelle
P-9, r. 2 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national d’Anticosti
P-9, r. 3 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Bic
P-9, r. 3.1 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Fjord-du-Saguenay
P-9, r. 4 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de Frontenac
P-9, r. 5 Regulation respecting the Parc national de la Gaspésie
P-9, r. 6 Regulation respecting the Parc national des Grands-Jardins
P-9, r. 7 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie
P-9, r. 8 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de l’Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé
P-9, r. 9 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville
P-9, r. 10 Regulation respecting the Parc national de la Jacques-Cartier
P-9, r. 11 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national Kuururjuaq
P-9, r. 12 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata
P-9, r. 13 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de Miguasha
P-9, r. 14 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Mont-Mégantic
P-9, r. 15 Regulation respecting the Parc national du Mont-Orford
P-9, r. 16 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno
P-9, r. 17 Regulation respecting the Parc national du Mont-Tremblant
P-9, r. 18 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Monts-Valin
P-9, r. 19 Règlement sur l’établissement du parc national d’Oka
P-9, r. 19.1 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national d’Opémican
P-9, r. 20 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national des Pingualuit
P-9, r. 21 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de Plaisance
P-9, r. 22 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon
P-9, r. 23 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national du Saguenay
P-9, r. 23.1 Regulation respecting the establishment of parc national Tursujuq
P-9, r. 23.2 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national Ulittaniujalik
P-9, r. 24 Regulation respecting the establishment of Parc national de la Yamaska
P-9, r. 25 Parks Regulation
P-9.0001, r. 0.1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the sharing of certain health information
P-9.0001, r. 1 Regulation respecting access authorizations and the duration of use of information held in a health information bank in a clinical domain
P-9.001, r. 1 Ministerial order concerning designation of a toll road infrastructure operated under a public-private partnership agreement Replaced
P-9.001, r. 1.1 Ministerial order concerning designation of toll road infrastructures operated under a public-private partnership agreement
P-9.001, r. 2 Fee Schedule concerning P-15020 Bridge of Highway 25 that spans the Rivière des Prairies
P-9.001, r. 2.1 Fee Schedule on P-10942 Bridge of Highway 30 that spans the St. Lawrence River
P-9.001, r. 3 Regulation respecting toll road infrastructures operated under a public-private partnership agreement
P-9.002, r. 1 Regulation respecting the definition of construction in a protection area of a classified heritage immovable
P-9.002, r. 2 Regulation respecting archaeological research Replaced
P-9.002, r. 2.1 Archaeological Research Regulation
P-9.002, r. 3 Regulation respecting the reduction of the value entered on the valuation roll for classified immovable heritage property Revoked
P-9.002, r. 4 Regulation respecting the cultural heritage register
P-9.002, r. 5 Regulation respecting payments made to local municipalities by the Minister of Culture, Communications and the Status of Women Revoked
P-9.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting the conditions relating to the issue and use of a “Man and his World” permit and an “Olympic Grounds” permit Replaced
P-9.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting certain documents relating to the Act respecting liquor permits Replaced
P-9.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting duties and costs payable under the Act respecting liquor permits
P-9.1, r. 4 Regulation respecting lay-out standards for establishments Replaced
P-9.1, r. 5 Regulation respecting liquor permits Replaced
P-9.1, r. 6 Regulation respecting promotion, advertising and educational programs relating to alcoholic beverages
P-9.1, r. 7 Regulation respecting the legal regime applicable to liquor permits
P-9.2.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery
P-9.3, r. 1 Pesticides Management Code
P-9.3, r. 2 Regulation respecting permits and certificates for the sale and use of pesticides
P-10, r. 1 Regulation defining the acts described in section 17 of the Pharmacy Act which may be performed by classes of persons other than pharmacists Replaced
P-10, r. 1.1 Règlement sur l’activité de formation des pharmaciens pour l’administration d’un médicament
P-10, r. 1.2 Règlement sur les activités de formation des pharmaciens pour l’ajustement d’une ordonnance d’un médecin et la substitution d’un médicament prescrit Revoked
P-10, r. 2 Règlement sur les activités de formation obligatoire des pharmaciens pour la prescription des médicaments permettant une contraception orale d’urgence Revoked
P-10, r. 3 Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than pharmacists Replaced
P-10, r. 3.01 Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by a pharmacy technical assistant, a pharmacy technician and a person in the process of obtaining a permit to practise pharmacy
P-10, r. 3.1 Regulation respecting the administration of medication by pharmacists Replaced
P-10, r. 3.2 Regulation respecting the initiation and modification of medication therapy, the administration of a medication and the prescription of tests by a pharmacist
P-10, r. 4 Règlement sur les assemblées générales et le siège de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Replaced
P-10, r. 4.1 Règlement sur l’assurance de la responsabilité professionnelle des membres de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
P-10, r. 5 Règlement sur les autorisations légales d’exercer la profession de pharmacien hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
P-10, r. 5.1 Règlement sur certains contrats que peuvent conclure les pharmaciens dans l’exercice de leur profession
P-10, r. 6 Regulation respecting the circumstances in which a physician may obtain a permit to practise pharmacy
P-10, r. 7 Code of ethics of pharmacists
P-10, r. 8 Regulation respecting the committee on training of pharmacists
P-10, r. 9 Règlement sur le comité d’inspection professionnelle de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Replaced
P-10, r. 10 Regulation respecting the conditions for the sale of medications in an institution
P-10, r. 11 Regulation respecting the terms and conditions for the issue of permits by the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
P-10, r. 12 Regulation respecting the terms and conditions for the sale of medications
P-10, r. 13 Regulation respecting the preservation, use or destruction of the records, books and registers of a pharmacist who ceases to practise
P-10, r. 13.1 Règlement sur la délivrance d’un permis de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec pour donner effet à l’arrangement conclu par l’Ordre en vertu de l’Entente entre le Québec et la France en matière de reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications professionnelles
P-10, r. 14 Regulation respecting the disposal of medications and poisons following the permanent closing of a pharmacy
P-10, r. 15 Regulation respecting the labelling of medications and poisons
P-10, r. 16 Règlement sur l’exercice de la pharmacie en société
P-10, r. 16.1 Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des pharmaciens
P-10, r. 17 Regulation respecting the supply of medications to ambulance technicians by an institution
P-10, r. 17.1 Règlement sur l’inspection professionnelle des pharmaciens
P-10, r. 18 Règlement sur les normes d’équivalence de diplôme et de la formation aux fins de la délivrance d’un permis de pharmacien
P-10, r. 18.1 Regulation respecting prescriptions by a pharmacist
P-10, r. 18.1.1 Règlement sur l’organisation de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec et les élections à son Conseil d’administration
P-10, r. 18.2 Regulation respecting the prescription of a medication by a pharmacist Replaced
P-10, r. 18.3 Regulation respecting the prescription and interpretation of laboratory analyses by a pharmacist Replaced
P-10, r. 19 Regulation respecting the conciliation and arbitration procedure for the accounts of members of the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
P-10, r. 19.1 Regulation respecting the extension or adjustment of a physician’s prescription by a pharmacist and the substitution of a medication prescribed Replaced
P-10, r. 20 Règlement sur la représentation et sur les élections au Conseil d’administration de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Replaced
P-10, r. 21 Règlement sur la souscription obligatoire au Fonds d’assurance de la responsabilité professionnelle de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec Replaced
P-10, r. 22 Règlement sur les stages et les cours de perfectionnement de l’Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec
P-10, r. 23 Regulation respecting the keeping of records, books and registers by a pharmacist in the practice of his profession
P-10, r. 24 Règlement sur la tenue des pharmacies
P-12, r. 1 Règlement sur les activités de formation obligatoire de certains podiatres pour l’administration et la prescription de certains médicaments à leurs patients Revoked
P-12, r. 1.1 Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than podiatrists
P-12, r. 2 Regulation respecting the business of the board of directors and general meetings of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec Replaced
P-12, r. 3 Regulation respecting professional liability insurance for podiatrists Replaced
P-12, r. 3.01 Règlement sur l’assurance de la responsabilité professionnelle des membres de l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 3.1 Règlement sur les autorisations légales d’exercer la profession de podiatre hors du Québec qui donnent ouverture au permis de l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 4 Règlement sur les cabinets et les effets des membres de l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 5 Code of ethics of podiatrists Replaced
P-12, r. 5.01 Code of ethics of podiatrists
P-12, r. 5.1 Regulation respecting the committee on training of podiatrists
P-12, r. 5.1.1 Règlement sur la détention de sommes et de biens par les podiatres
P-12, r. 5.2 Regulation respecting the practice of the profession of podiatrist within a partnership or joint-stock company
P-12, r. 5.3 Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des podiatres
P-12, r. 6 Regulation respecting the medications that a podiatrist who obtained a permit to practise before 1976 may administer or prescribe
P-12, r. 6.1 Regulation respecting medications that a podiatrist may administer or prescribe
P-12, r. 7 Regulation respecting terms and conditions for election to the board of directors of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec Replaced
P-12, r. 8 Regulation respecting diploma and training equivalence standards for the issue of a permit by the Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 9 Règlement sur les normes relatives à la forme et au contenu des ordonnances verbales ou écrites faites par un podiatre
P-12, r. 9.1 Règlement sur l’organisation de l’Ordre des podiatres du Québec et les élections à son Conseil d’administration
P-12, r. 10 Regulation respecting the conciliation and arbitration procedure for the accounts of members of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 11 Regulation respecting the procedure of the professional inspection committee of podiatrists
P-12, r. 11.1 Regulation respecting the compensation procedure of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec
P-12, r. 12 Regulation respecting advertising by podiatrists Replaced
P-12, r. 13 Regulation respecting refresher training periods for podiatrists
P-12, r. 14 Regulation dividing Québec into regions for the purposes of elections to the board of directors of the Ordre des podiatres du Québec Replaced
P-13.1, r. 1 Code of ethics of Québec police officers
P-13.1, r. 1.01 Regulation respecting the criteria to be used to evaluate candidates’ aptitude to hold the office of Director General of the Sûreté du Québec
P-13.1, r. 1.1 Regulation respecting the conduct of the investigations of the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes
P-13.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting the discipline of members of the Sûreté du Québec Replaced
P-13.1, r. 2.001 By-law respecting the internal discipline of members of the specialized anti-corruption police force
P-13.1, r. 2.01 By-law respecting the internal discipline of members of the Sûreté du Québec
P-13.1, r. 2.02 By-law respecting the internal discipline of police officers of Ville de Montréal
P-13.1, r. 2.1 Rules of evidence, procedure and practice of the Tribunal administratif de déontologie policière
P-13.1, r. 2.2 Regulation respecting the selection procedure and the training of investigators of the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes
P-13.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting the minimum qualifications required to exercise investigative functions within a police force
P-13.1, r. 4 By-law to establish the Training Plan Regulation of the École nationale de police du Québec
P-13.1, r. 4.1 Operating rules of the Sûreté du Québec
P-13.1, r. 5 Rules of evidence, procedure and practice of the Comité de déontologie policière Replaced
P-13.1, r. 6 Regulation respecting the police services that municipal police forces and the Sûreté du Québec must provide according to their level of jurisdiction
P-13.1, r. 7 Regulation respecting the amounts payable by municipalities for the services provided by the Sûreté du Québec
P-13.1, r. 8 Regulation respecting the rate of reimbursement by the employer of costs connected with conciliation or investigations as regards police ethics
P-28, r. 1 Règlement sur les catégories de producteurs, leur représentation et leur cotisation annuelle à l’Union des producteurs agricoles
P-28, r. 2 Règlement sur les contributions des fédérations et des syndicats spécialisés à l’Union des producteurs agricoles
P-28, r. 3 Order in Council respecting determination of the threshold of eligibility for the status of farm producer
P-28, r. 4 Order respecting the withholding of assessments by buyers of fruits and vegetables to be processed
P-28, r. 5 Ordonnance sur la retenue des cotisations par les acheteurs de porcs
P-28, r. 6 Order respecting the withholding of assessments by buyers of feeder and stocker cattle
P-29, r. 1 Regulation respecting food
P-29, r. 2 Regulation respecting bottled water
P-29, r. 3 Regulation respecting fresh fruits and vegetables Revoked
P-29, r. 3.1 Regulation respecting the indication of the origin of fresh fruits and vegetables
P-29, r. 3.2 Pilot project concerning the operation of a chicken slaughterhouse at the farm
P-29, r. 3.3 Pilot project concerning the preparation of cooked food having raw goat, sheep or buffalo milk as an ingredient
P-29, r. 4 Regulation respecting the reimbursement of the costs of permanent inspection
P-30.01, r. 0.1 Regulation respecting the integration of low‑carbon‑intensity fuel content into gasoline and diesel fuel
P-30.01, r. 0.2 Ministerial Order concerning the measurement methods and tools for the purposes of the Regulation respecting the integration of low‑carbon‑intensity fuel content into gasoline and diesel fuel
P-30.01, r. 1 Petroleum Products Regulation Replaced
P-30.01, r. 2 Petroleum Products Regulation
P-30.3, r. 1 Regulation respecting the Act respecting owners, operators and drivers of heavy vehicles
P-32, r. 1 Regulation respecting Contracts of the Public Protector Replaced
P-32, r. 2 Règlement sur les contrats du Protecteur du citoyen
P-32.01, r. 0.1 Regulation respecting the procedure for filing and processing complaints
P-32.01, r. 1 Regulation respecting the procedure for the recruitment and selection of regional student ombudsmen
P-34.1, r. 1 International Adoption Regulation
P-34.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting the adoption without a certified body of a child domiciled outside Québec by a person domiciled in Québec
P-34.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting the certification of intercountry adoption bodies
P-34.1, r. 4 Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate the adoption of a child Revoked
P-34.1, r. 4.1 Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate the adoption and Indigenous customary adoption of a child
P-34.1, r. 5 Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate tutorship to a child Revoked
P-34.1, r. 5.1 Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate tutorship and Indigenous customary tutorship to a child
P-34.1, r. 6 Regulation respecting conditions applicable to the use of certain supervision measures
P-34.1, r. 6.1 Regulation respecting training prior to adopting a child domiciled outside Québec
P-34.1, r. 7 Regulation establishing the Register of Reported Children
P-34.1, r. 8 Regulation respecting the review of the situation of a child
P-38.0001, r. 1 Regulation respecting the exclusion of certain premises and certain means of transportation and respecting the exemption of certain persons
P-38.002, r. 1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act to promote the protection of persons by establishing a framework with regard to dogs
P-38.002, r. 2 Regulation respecting the information that must be provided by a local municipality pursuant to section 8 of the Act to promote the protection of persons by establishing a framework with regard to dogs
P-39.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting the payment of a recovery charge for a monetary administrative penalty
P-40.1, r. 1 Order in Council respecting the adoption of rules of conduct concerning the sale of prearranged funeral services and sepultures by itinerant merchants
P-40.1, r. 2 Order in Council respecting the Policy on accurate pricing for merchants who use optical scanner technology
P-40.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act
P-40.1, r. 4 Order in council respecting the application of rules of conduct to used automobile merchants
P-41.1, r. 1 Preservation of Agricultural Land and Agricultural Activities Regulation
P-41.1, r. 1.1 Regulation respecting the authorization for the alienation or use of a lot without the authorization of the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec
P-41.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting the declarations required under the Act, the erection of rudimentary structures and advertising billboards, the enlargement of residential sites and the dismemberment of property for which no authorization is required
P-41.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting fees of experts and investigators whose services the Commission de protection du territoire agricole du Québec considers expedient to retain
P-41.1, r. 4 Regulation respecting the implementation of the Act to amend the Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities and other legislative provisions
P-41.1, r. 5 Guidelines respecting odours caused by manure from agricultural activities
P-41.1, r. 6 Regulation respecting the tariff of duties, fees and costs made under the Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities
P-42, r. 1 Regulation respecting the administering of certain medications
P-42, r. 2 Commercial Aquaculture Regulation Revoked
P-42, r. 3 Regulation respecting the health certification of imported animals Revoked
P-42, r. 4 Regulation respecting the sanitary conditions applicable to places where birds are kept in captivity
P-42, r. 4.1 Regulation to designate contagious or parasitic diseases, infectious agents or syndromes affecting certain animals Revoked
P-42, r. 4.2 Regulation to designate contagious or parasitic diseases, infectious agents and syndromes
P-42, r. 5 Regulation respecting the registration of beekeepers
P-42, r. 6 Regulation respecting the animal species or categories designated under Division IV.1.1 of the Animal Health Protection Act Revoked
P-42, r. 7 Regulation respecting the identification and traceability of certain animals
P-42, r. 8 Regulation respecting the inscription affixed on hives
P-42, r. 9 Artificial Insemination of Cattle Regulation
P-42, r. 10 Regulation respecting medicinal premixes and medicinal foods for animals
P-42, r. 10.1 Regulation respecting the safety and welfare of cats and dogs Replaced
P-42, r. 11 Regulation respecting the sale of livestock by auction
P-42.1, r. 0.1 Regulation respecting the cultivation of potatoes
P-42.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting prevention of disease in potatoes Replaced
P-42.1, r. 2 Plant Protection Regulation
P-43, r. 1 Regulation respecting the artificial inducement of rain
P-44, r. 1 Regulation respecting roadside advertising
P-44.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises
P-44.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting the legal publicity of enterprises
P-45, r. 1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the legal publicity of sole proprietorships, partnerships and legal persons Replaced
P-45, r. 2 Regulation respecting the fees for the provision of compilations of information Revoked