Among other things, the standards may cover(1) the area, location and spatial organization of forest operations and the residual forest areas after those operations;
(2) the protection of lakes, watercourses, riparian areas and wetlands;
(3) the protection of soil and water quality;
(4) the installation and use of piling, lopping, sawing and transfer areas;
(5) the location, construction, improvement, repair, maintenance and decommissioning of roads;
(6) the site of forest camps, sugar bush buildings and equipment and other infrastructures;
(7) the regulation of forest development activities in order to protect various resources, sites or land units;
(8) the forest development activities affecting wildlife protection, management and utilization activities in controlled territories within the meaning of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1); (9) the application of silvicultural treatments, including marking activities; and
(10) the protection of forest regeneration.