24. The board may delegate, in writing, to a racing judge, the power(a) to issue, in the circumstances it fixes, the prescribed licences it determines and collect the duties therefor on behalf of the board;
(b) to hear and decide any dispute brought before him or any question dealing with the application of and compliance with the rules determined by the board, the protection of the public and public order in respect of racing and the conduct and orderly management of racing events;
(c) to impose, on any person he convicts of an offence under the rules determined by the board, or any person who refuses to comply with an order given under these rules or who behaves in a manner that is prejudicial to the conduct and orderly management of racing events, one or several of the penalties provided for in section 122 and, as the case may be, collect, on behalf of the board, the amounts of the fines imposed; and
(d) to adjudge and collect the prescribed costs for the proceedings held before him or for hearing the questions he has decided.