116. Any person who, without lawful excuse, is found in a room where alcoholic beverages are sold without a permit is guilty of an offence against this act and liable, in addition to the costs, to a fine of not less than $30 nor more than $125.
Any judge of the sessions, any judge of the Provincial Court and any other officer having the powers of two justices of the peace, who, following a complaint made under oath, is convinced that there are reasonable grounds to believe that alcoholic beverages are sold without a permit in a room, may authorize, in writing, any constable or other peace officer to enter and search such room with as many constables or peace officers as he may deem necessary to use.
Such order shall authorize constables or peace officers to enter and search such room and use force, if necessary, and arrest and take into custody any person without lawful excuse found therein.
1971, c. 19, s. 120; 1974, c. 14, s. 74; 1986, c. 58, s. 52.