I-14 - The Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons

Full text
(Section 208)
Notice to Teachers, informing them that their Services are no longer required
Province of Québec,
School Municipality of
To Mr. .............., Teacher of school district No. ..............
I have the honour to inform you that, by a resolution adopted at their meeting of (insert the date), the commissioners of this municipality have decided that they will not require your services for next year.
(Date) ..............
R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 19; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16.
(Section 208)

Notice to Teachers, informing them that their Services are no longer required

Province of Québec,
School Municipality of

To Mr. .............., Teacher of school district No. ..............


I have the honour to inform you that, by a resolution adopted at their meeting of (insert the date), the school commissioners (or trustees) of this municipality have decided that they will not require your services for next year.

(Date) ..............

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 19.