I-14 - The Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons

Full text
(Section 202)
Form of Teacher’s Engagement
Province of Québec,
School municipality of
On the .............. day of the month of .............., in the year 20.............., it is mutually agreed and stipulated between the commissioners of the municipality of .............., in the county of .............., represented by (name of chairman) their chairman, under a resolution of the said commissioners passed on the .............. day of .............., 20.............., and (name of teacher) teacher holding a diploma for a (insert grade) school, born on the .............., 20.............., single (or as the case may be husband or wife of ..............) residing at .............., as follows:
The said teacher makes an engagement with the said commissioners for the school year from 1 July (state year) — unless the diploma of the said teacher be withdrawn, or any other legal impediment arise — to teach the (grade of school) school in district No. .............., and to teach therein up to the .............. grade inclusively, according to law, and to the rules and regulations established or to be established by the competent authorities, and, among other things, to exercise an efficient supervision over the pupils attending the school; to teach the subjects authorized, and to use only authorized textbooks; to fill up all blank forms required by the Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, the school inspectors or commissioners; to keep the required school registers; to preserve amongst the archives of the school such copy-books and other work of the pupils as may be ordered to be put aside; to keep the school rooms in good order and not to allow them to be used for any other than school purposes without permission to that effect; to follow such rules as may be established; in a word, to fulfil all the duties of a good teacher; to hold school every day, except during the vacations, and on Sundays and festivals and on the holidays authorized by law and the school regulations.
The said teacher has furnished (or undertakes to furnish) a doctor’s certificate that he (or she) is free from tubercular disease or any infirmity or disease rendering him (or her) unfit for teaching.
The commissioners undertake to pay .............. to the said (name of teacher) the sum of (state sum in full) for the said school year in current money or by cheque.
In default of any other engagement, the present agreement shall continue to remain in force between the parties until it is legally set aside.
And the parties have signed, after hearing the same read.
Made in duplicate at .............., the .............. day of .............., 20..............
Chairman of the Commissioners.
R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 18; 1969, c. 67, s. 9; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16; 1993, c. 51, s. 72; 1994, c. 16, s. 50; 2005, c. 28, s. 195.
(Section 202)

Form of Teacher’s Engagement

Province of Québec,
School municipality of

On the .............. day of the month of .............., in the year 19.............., it is mutually agreed and stipulated between the commissioners of the municipality of .............., in the county of .............., represented by (name of chairman) their chairman, under a resolution of the said commissioners passed on the .............. day of .............., 19.............., and (name of teacher) teacher holding a diploma for a (insert grade) school, born on the .............., 19.............., single (or as the case may be husband or wife of ..............) residing at .............., as follows:
The said teacher makes an engagement with the said commissioners for the school year from the first of July (state year) — unless the diploma of the said teacher be withdrawn, or any other legal impediment arise — to teach the (grade of school) school in district No. .............., and to teach therein up to the .............. grade inclusively, according to law, and to the rules and regulations established or to be established by the competent authorities, and, among other things, to exercise an efficient supervision over the pupils attending the school; to teach the subjects authorized, and to use only authorized textbooks; to fill up all blank forms required by the Ministère de l’Éducation, the school inspectors or commissioners; to keep the required school registers; to preserve amongst the archives of the school such copy-books and other work of the pupils as may be ordered to be put aside; to keep the school rooms in good order and not to allow them to be used for any other than school purposes without permission to that effect; to follow such rules as may be established; in a word, to fulfil all the duties of a good teacher; to hold school every day, except during the vacations, and on Sundays and festivals and on the holidays authorized by law and the school regulations.
The said teacher has furnished (or undertakes to furnish) a doctor’s certificate that he (or she) is free from tubercular disease or any infirmity or disease rendering him (or her) unfit for teaching.
The commissioners undertake to pay .............. to the said (name of teacher) the sum of (state sum in full) for the said school year in current money or by cheque.
In default of any other engagement, the present agreement shall continue to remain in force between the parties until it is legally set aside.

And the parties have signed, after hearing the same read.

Made in duplicate at .............., the .............. day of .............., 19..............

Chairman of the Commissioners.

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 18; 1969, c. 67, s. 9; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16; 1993, c. 51, s. 72; 1994, c. 16, s. 50.
(Section 202)

Form of Teacher’s Engagement

Province of Québec,
School municipality of

On the .............. day of the month of .............., in the year 19.............., it is mutually agreed and stipulated between the commissioners of the municipality of .............., in the county of .............., represented by (name of chairman) their chairman, under a resolution of the said commissioners passed on the .............. day of .............., 19.............., and (name of teacher) teacher holding a diploma for a (insert grade) school, born on the .............., 19.............., single (or as the case may be husband or wife of ..............) residing at .............., as follows:
The said teacher makes an engagement with the said commissioners for the school year from the first of July (state year) — unless the diploma of the said teacher be withdrawn, or any other legal impediment arise — to teach the (grade of school) school in district No. .............., and to teach therein up to the .............. grade inclusively, according to law, and to the rules and regulations established or to be established by the competent authorities, and, among other things, to exercise an efficient supervision over the pupils attending the school; to teach the subjects authorized, and to use only authorized textbooks; to fill up all blank forms required by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de la Science, the school inspectors or commissioners; to keep the required school registers; to preserve amongst the archives of the school such copy-books and other work of the pupils as may be ordered to be put aside; to keep the school rooms in good order and not to allow them to be used for any other than school purposes without permission to that effect; to follow such rules as may be established; in a word, to fulfil all the duties of a good teacher; to hold school every day, except during the vacations, and on Sundays and festivals and on the holidays authorized by law and the school regulations.
The said teacher has furnished (or undertakes to furnish) a doctor’s certificate that he (or she) is free from tubercular disease or any infirmity or disease rendering him (or her) unfit for teaching.
The commissioners undertake to pay .............. to the said (name of teacher) the sum of (state sum in full) for the said school year in current money or by cheque.
In default of any other engagement, the present agreement shall continue to remain in force between the parties until it is legally set aside.

And the parties have signed, after hearing the same read.

Made in duplicate at .............., the .............. day of .............., 19..............

Chairman of the Commissioners.

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 18; 1969, c. 67, s. 9; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16; 1993, c. 51, s. 72.
(Section 202)

Form of Teacher’s Engagement

Province of Québec,
School municipality of

On the .............. day of the month of .............., in the year 19.............., it is mutually agreed and stipulated between the commissioners of the municipality of .............., in the county of .............., represented by (name of chairman) their chairman, under a resolution of the said commissioners passed on the .............. day of .............., 19.............., and (name of teacher) teacher holding a diploma for a (insert grade) school, born on the .............., 19.............., single (or as the case may be husband or wife of ..............) residing at .............., as follows:
The said teacher makes an engagement with the said commissioners for the school year from the first of July (state year) — unless the diploma of the said teacher be withdrawn, or any other legal impediment arise — to teach the (grade of school) school in district No. .............., and to teach therein up to the .............. grade inclusively, according to law, and to the rules and regulations established or to be established by the competent authorities, and, among other things, to exercise an efficient supervision over the pupils attending the school; to teach the subjects authorized, and to use only authorized textbooks; to fill up all blank forms required by the Ministère de l’Éducation, the school inspectors or commissioners; to keep the required school registers; to preserve amongst the archives of the school such copy-books and other work of the pupils as may be ordered to be put aside; to keep the school rooms in good order and not to allow them to be used for any other than school purposes without permission to that effect; to follow such rules as may be established; in a word, to fulfil all the duties of a good teacher; to hold school every day, except during the vacations, and on Sundays and festivals and on the holidays authorized by law and the school regulations.
The said teacher has furnished (or undertakes to furnish) a doctor’s certificate that he (or she) is free from tubercular disease or any infirmity or disease rendering him (or her) unfit for teaching.
The commissioners undertake to pay .............. to the said (name of teacher) the sum of (state sum in full) for the said school year in current money or by cheque.
In default of any other engagement, the present agreement shall continue to remain in force between the parties until it is legally set aside.

And the parties have signed, after hearing the same read.

Made in duplicate at .............., the .............. day of .............., 19..............

Chairman of the Commissioners.

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 18; 1969, c. 67, s. 9; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16.
(Section 202)

Form of Teacher’s Engagement

Province of Québec,
School municipality of

On the .............. day of the month of .............., in the year 19.............., it is mutually agreed and stipulated between the school commissioners (or trustees) of the municipality of .............., in the county of .............., represented by (name of chairman) their chairman, under a resolution of the said commissioners (or trustees) passed on the .............. day of .............., 19.............., and (name of teacher) teacher holding a diploma for a (insert grade) school, born on the .............., 19.............., single (or as the case may be husband or wife of ..............) residing at .............., as follows:
The said teacher makes an engagement with the said school commissioners (or trustees) for the school year from the first of July (state year) — unless the diploma of the said teacher be withdrawn, or any other legal impediment arise — to teach the (grade of school) school in district No. .............., and to teach therein up to the .............. grade inclusively, according to law, and to the rules and regulations established or to be established by the competent authorities, and, among other things, to exercise an efficient supervision over the pupils attending the school; to teach the subjects authorized, and to use only authorized textbooks; to fill up all blank forms required by the Ministère de l’Éducation, the school inspectors or commissioners (or trustees); to keep the required school registers; to preserve amongst the archives of the school such copy-books and other work of the pupils as may be ordered to be put aside; to keep the school rooms in good order and not to allow them to be used for any other than school purposes without permission to that effect; to follow such rules as may be established; in a word, to fulfil all the duties of a good teacher; to hold school every day, except during the vacations, and on Sundays and festivals and on the holidays authorized by law and the school regulations.
The said teacher has furnished (or undertakes to furnish) a doctor’s certificate that he (or she) is free from tubercular disease or any infirmity or disease rendering him (or her) unfit for teaching.
The commissioners (or trustees) undertake to pay .............. to the said (name of teacher) the sum of (state sum in full) for the said school year in current money or by cheque.
In default of any other engagement, the present agreement shall continue to remain in force between the parties until it is legally set aside.

And the parties have signed, after hearing the same read.

Made in duplicate at .............., the .............. day of .............., 19..............

Chairman of the School Commissioners.
(or Trustees).

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 18; 1969, c. 67, s. 9; 1977, c. 5, s. 14.