I-14 - The Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons

Full text
(Section 173)
Notice convening Meeting of Commissioners
Province of Québec,
School Municipality of
To Mr. A. B., Commissioner.
I am instructed by the chairman of the school board to inform you that a meeting of the board of commissioners of this municipality, of which you are a member, will be held at (the place), at .............. hours, the (fix date).
Given .............., this .............., 20..............
R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 9; 1989, c. 36, s. 279; 1990, c. 35, s. 16.
(Section 173)

Notice convening Meeting of School Commissioners or Trustees

Province of Québec,
School Municipality of

To Mr. A. B., School Commissioner (or Trustee).


I am instructed by the chairman of the school commissioners (or trustees) to inform you that a meeting of the board of school commissioners (or trustees) of this municipality, of which you are a member, will be held at (the place), at .............. hours, the (fix date).

Given .............., this .............., 19..............

R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 9.