F-6 - Act respecting municipal bribery and corruption

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9. The council of any city or other municipality, by resolution thereof, or twenty electors of any city or other municipality, by petition to the judge or judges of the Superior Court, mentioned in section 10, in term or in vacation, may apply to such judge or judges to order an investigation to be made into any matter mentioned in the resolution or petition, and relating to a malfeasance, breach of trust or other misconduct on the part of one or more members or the council or officers of the municipality, or of any person or persons having a contract or contracts therewith, or, in case the council of any city or other municipality sees fit to cause inquiry to be made into or concerning any matter connected with the government of the city or other municipality, or the conduct of any part of the public business thereof; and if the council or the electors at any time petition the said judge or judges to order an inquiry, the judge or judges may order the holding of an inquiry by one of his or their colleagues whom he or they shall designate in the order.
The petition shall not be considered unless it states the accusations, actions or facts, in a precise manner, which alone shall form the object of the inquiry.
R. S. 1964, c. 173, s. 9; 1968, c. 51, s. 1.