8. In the middle zone, this Act applies with the following restrictions:(a) any requirement established pursuant to paragraph a of the second paragraph of section 39 for the use of outfitting facilities does not apply to non-Native residents of Québec;
(b) sport fishing for all species of fish and sport hunting for black bear and wolf by non-Natives are allowed notwithstanding Chapter VIII;
(c) this area may be zoned for moose hunting for the purposes ofi. managing this resource,
ii. minimizing conflict between sport hunting by non-Natives and the activities of the Native people in exercising their right to harvest, and
iii. protecting the rights of the Native people and non-Natives mentioned in this Act;
(d) the exclusive right of the Native people to keep in captivity or raise species of wildlife in this zone, in accordance with section 32.2, does not exclude the right of non-Natives to keep in captivity or raise species of wildlife in and around non-Native settlements.