125. Notification to a legal person is made at its head office or, if the head office is outside Québec, at one of its establishments in Québec, by leaving the document in the care of a person who appears to be in a position to give it to an officer or director or an agent of the legal person. It may also be made by delivering the document personally to such an officer, director or agent, wherever that person may be.
Notification of a document to a general or limited partnership or an association or any other group not endowed with juridical personality is made at its business establishment or office by leaving the document in the care of a person who appears to be in a position to give it to the addressee. It may also be made by delivering the document personally to one of its partners, members or officers, wherever that person may be.
Notification to a trustee, the liquidator of a legal person or enterprise or a trustee in bankruptcy is made at their domicile or place of work, either by delivering the document personally to them or by leaving the document in the care of a person who appears to be in a position to give it to the addressee.