S-2.1, r. 13 - Regulation respecting occupational health and safety

Full text
(ss. 41, 42, 43, 66, 108 and 302)
This Schedule must be read in accordance with the following notations and definitions:
(1) CARCINOGENS: The designations under “carcinogen” in the Designation and remarks column refer to the following:
C1: carcinogenic effect detected in humans
C2: carcinogenic effect suspected in humans
C3: carcinogenic effect detected in animals. Results of studies relating to the carcinogenocity of these substances in animals are not necessarily applicable to humans.
(2) CAS: Number given by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, for the identification of a substance (see part 4).
(3) C: CEILING: The designation “C” in the STEV/Ceiling column refers to a concentration never be exceeded during any length of time whatsoever.
(4) EM: A substance to which exposure must be reduced to a minimum in accordance with section 42.
(4.1) EX: a substance that is flammable and exposure to the permissible exposure value level involves a risk of exceeding 10% of the lower explosion limit.
(5) EXCURSION LIMITS: These limits apply to substances which do not have a short-term exposure value. Provided the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded, excursions in exposure levels may exceed 3 times that value for a cumulative period not exceeding a total of 30 minutes during a workday. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of those excursions in exposure levels may exceed 5 times the time-weighted average exposure value during any length of time whatsoever.
(5.1) IFV: inhalable fraction and vapour.
(5.2) J: excluding stearates of toxic metals.
(6) mg/m3: milligram per cubic meter (milligram of substance per cubic meter of air).
(7) Pc: SKIN (percutaneous): The designation “Pc” in the Designation and remarks column refers to the potentially significant contribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route. Exposure is by contact with vapours or, of probable greater significance, by direct skin contact with the substance. The cutaneous route includes mucous membranes and the eyes.
(8) ppm: part per million (parts of gas or vapour per million parts of airborn contaminants per volume measured at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa).
(9) Rd: Respirable dust.
(9.1) Pi: inhalable aerosol fraction.
(10) RESPIRABLE FIBRES (other than respirable asbestos fibres): Objects, other than respirable asbestos fibres, longer than 5 µm, having a diameter of less than 3 µm and a ratio of length to diameter of more than 3 :1.
(11) Pr: respirable aerosol fraction.
(12) TPM: total particulate matter.
(12.1) Pthor: thoracic aerosol fraction.
(13) SIMPLE ASPHYXIANT: A physiologically inert gas which acts primarily by displacing airborne oxygen and that can cause a decrease in the percentage in volume of airborne oxygen below the 19.5% provided for in section 40 and required to maintain blood oxygen saturation.
(14) STEV: SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE VALUE: The 15-minute time-weighted average concentration for exposure to a chemical substance (in the form of gases, dusts, fumes, vapours or mists), present in the air in a worker’s respiratory zone which should not be exceeded at any time during a workday, even if the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded.
The average exposure for a 15-minute consecutive period may be include between the TWAEV and the STEV, insofar as such exposures are not repeated more than 4 times a day and have intervals between them of periods of at least 60 minutes.
(14.1) S(D): a substance causing dermal sensitization.
(14.2) S(R): a substance causing respiratory sensitization.
(14.3) OTO: OTOTOXIC: the “OTO” notation in the Designation and remarks column indicates that repeated exposure to the substance may cause hearing impairment alone or in combination with noise, even below 85 dBA.
(15) Td: Total dust.
(15.1) Thord: thoracic dust.
(16) TWAEV: TIME-WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXPOSURE VALUE: The time-weighted average concentration for an 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek of a chemical substance (in the form of gases, dusts, fumes, vapours or mists) present in the air in a worker’s respiratory zone.
For any work period equal to or longer than 4 hours but less than 8 hours or a period in excess of 8 hours but less than or equal to 16 hours, an adjusted average exposure value (AAEV) must be established in accordance with the Guide to the adjustment of permissible exposure values for unusual work schedules, published by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail. Under no circumstance may the AAEV be higher than the TWAEV.
Note 1: The standard corresponds to dust containing no asbestos and the percentage in crystalline silica is less than 1%.
Note 2a: Permissible asbestos exposure values in number of respirable fibres per cm3.
Note 2b: Permissible recirculation concentration of asbestos respirable dust: 0.1 mg/m3.
Note 3: Where the use of these products is permitted.
Note 4: Permissible exposure values in number of respirable fibres per cm3.
Part 1
   TWAEVSTEV/CeilingDesignation and remarks
Abate See Temephos  
Acetaldehyde[75-07-0]  C25C45C3,RP
Acetamide[60-35-5]1   C3,IFV
Acetic acid[64-19-7]10251537 
Acetic anhydride[108-24-7]1 3  
Acetone[67-64-1]250 500  
Acetone cyanohydrin (as CN)[75-86-5]  C4.7C5Pc,RP
Acetonitrile[75-05-8]20   Pc
Acetylene[74-86-2]Simple asphyxiant  
Acetylene dichloride See 1,2-Dichloroethylene  
Acetylene tetrabromide See 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane  
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)[50-78-2] 5   
Acrylamide[79-06-1] 0.03  Pc,C2,EM
Acrylic acid[79-10-7]25.9  Pc
Acrylonitrile[107-13-1]24.3  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Actinolite See Asbestos  
Adipic acid[124-04-9] 5   
Adiponitrile[111-69-3]28.8  Pc
Alachlore[15972-60-8] 1  C3,S(D),IVF
Aldrin[309-00-2] 0.05  C3,Pc,IVF
Allyl alcohol[107-18-6]0.5   Pc
Allyl chloride See 3-Chloropropene  
Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE)[106-92-3]1    
Allyl methacrylate[96-05-9]1   Pc
Allyl propyl disulfide[2179-59-1]0.5   S(D)
Aluminum and its compounds  5  Rd
4-Aminodiphenyl[92-67-1]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C1,RP,EM
3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole See Amitrole  
Amitrole[61-82-5] 0.2  C3,RP
Ammonium chloride fume[12125-02-9] 10 20 
Ammonium perfluorooctanoate[3825-26-1] 0.01  C3,Pc
Ammonium sulfamate[7773-06-0] 10   
Amosite See Asbestos  
Aniline[62-53-3]27.6  Pc
o-Anisidine[90-04-0]0.10.5  Pc,C3
p-Anisidine[104-94-9]0.10.5  Pc
Anthophyllite See Asbestos  
Antimony [7440-36-0], metal and compounds (as Sb)  0.5   
Antimony trioxide (as Sb)[1309-64-4] 0.5  C3
Antimony trioxide, production
(as Sb)
 Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
ANTU (α-Naphthylthiourea)[86-88-4] 0.3   
Argon[7440-37-1]Simple asphyxiant  
Arsenic, elemental [7440-38-2], and inorganic compounds (except Arsine), (as As)  0.01  C1,RP,EM
Asbestos – All forms (note 2a) (note 2b)[1332-21-4] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Actinolite[12172-67-7] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Amosite (note 3)[12172-73-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Anthophyllite[77536-67-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Chrysotile[12001-29-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Crocidolite (note 3)[12001-28-4] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Tremolite[14567-73-8] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
Asphalt (petroleum) fumes[8052-42-4] 5   
Aspirin See Acetylsalicylic acid  
Atrazine and symmetric triazine analogs[1912-24-9] 2  C3,Id
Attapulgite See Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres  
Azinphos-methyl[86-50-0] 0.2  Pc,S(D),IVF
1-Bromopropane[106-94-5]0.1   C3
Barium [7440-39-3], soluble compounds (as Ba)  0.5   
Barium sulfate[7727-43-7] 5  Id, note 1
Bendiocarb[22781-23-3] 0.1  Pc
Benomyl[17804-35-2] 1  C3,S(D),Id
Benz(a)anthracene[56-55-3]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,EM
Benzene[71-43-2]0.5 2.5 C1,RP,EM,Pc
Benzene (trichloromethyl)[98-07-7]  P0.1 C2,Pc,RP,EM
Benzidine (production)[92-87-5]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C1,RP,EM
Benzo(a)pyrene[50-32-8] 0.005  C2,RP,EM
Benzo(b)fluoranthene[205-99-2]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,EM
Benzoyl peroxide[94-36-0] 5   
Benzyl acetate[140-11-4]10    
Benzyl chloride[100-44-7]1   C3
Beryllium [7440-41-7], metal and compounds (as Be)  0.00015  C1,RP,EM,S
Bismuth telluride (as Bi2Te3)      
 Se-doped  5   
 Undoped[1304-82-1] 10   
Bitumen See Asphalt fumes  
Borate, inorganic compounds, (including boric acid)[1330-43-4]     
 [12179-04-3] 2 6Id
Borax See Sodium tetraborate, decahydrate 
Boron oxide[1303-86-2] 10   
Boron tribromide[10294-33-4]  C0.7 RP
Boron trichloride[10294-34-5]  C0.7 RP
Boron trifluoride[7637-07-2]0.1 C0.7 RP
Boron trifluoride ethers[109-63-7];0.1 P0.7  
Bromacil[314-40-9] 10  C3
Bromine pentafluoride[7789-30-2]0.10.72   
Bromochloromethane See Chlorobromethane  
2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane See Halothane  
Bromoethane See Ethyl bromide  
Bromoethylene See Vinyl bromide  
Bromoform[75-25-2]0.5   C3
Bromomethane See Methyl bromide  
1,3-Butadiene[106-99-0]24.4  C2,EM
Butanethiol See Butyl mercaptan  
2-Butanone See Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)  
2-Butoxyethanol[111-76-2]20   C3
2-Butoxyethyl acetate[112-07-2]20   C3
Butyl acetate (all isomers)[105-46-4]     
  [540-88-5]50 150  
n-Butyl acrylate[141-32-2]2   S(D)
n-Butyl alcohol[71-36-3]20    
sec-Butyl alcohol[78-92-2]100303   
tert-Butyl alcohol[75-65-0]100303   
Butyl cellosolve® See 2-Butoxyethanol  
tert-Butyl chromate (as CrO3)[1189-85-1]   C0.1Pc, RP
n-Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE)[2426-08-6]3   Pc, S(D)
tert-Butyl hydroperoxide[75-91-2]0.1   Pc
n-Butyl lactate[138-22-7]530   
Butyl mercaptan[109-79-5]0.51.8   
n-Butylamine[109-73-9]  C5C15Pc, RP
o-sec-Butylphenol[89-72-5]531  Pc
Cadmium elemental and compounds (as Cd)[7440-43-9] 0.01  C2, RP, EM
Calcium carbonate[471-34-1] 10  Td
Calcium carbonate[1317-65-3] 10  Td, note 1
Calcium cyanamide[156-62-7] 0.5   
Calcium hydroxide[1305-62-0] 5   
Calcium oxide[1305-78-8] 2   
Calcium silicate[1344-95-2] 1  Pi,Note 1
Calcium sulfate[7778-18-9]     
  [10101-41-4] 10  Id, note 1
Camphor (synthetic)[76-22-2]212319 
Caprolactam[105-60-2] 5  IFV
Captafol[2425-06-1] 0.1  Pc
Captan[133-06-2] 5  C3,Id,S(D)
Carbaryl[63-25-2] 0.5  Pc,IVF
Carbofuran[1563-66-2] 0.1  IVF
Carbon black[1333-86-4] 3  C3 Id
Carbon dioxide[124-38-9]500090003000054000 
Carbon disulfide[75-15-0]1   Pc
Carbon monoxide[630-08-0]35 175  
Carbon tetrabromide[558-13-4] 
Carbon tetrachloride[56-23-5]5311063Pc,C2,EM
Carbon, fibres See Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres 
Carbonyl chloride See Phosgene  
Carbonyl fluoride[353-50-4]25.4513 
Catechol[120-80-9]5   C3,Pc
Cellosolve® acetate See 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate  
Cellulose (paper fibres)[9004-34-6] 10  Td, note 1
Ceramic (fibres) See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Cesium hydroxide[21351-79-1] 2   
Chlordane[57-74-9] 0.5  Pc,C3,IFV
Chlorinated camphene[8001-35-2] 0.5 1Pc,C3
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide[31242-93-0] 0.5   
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide[55720-99-5] 0.5   
Chlorine[7782-50-5]  P0.5  
Chlorine dioxide[10049-04-4]  P0.1  
Chlorine trifluoride[7790-91-2]  C0.1C0.38RP
2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine See Nitrapyrin  
Chloroacetaldehyde[107-20-0]  C1C3.2RP
Chloroacetone[78-95-5]  C1C3.8Pc,RP
Chloroacetyl chloride[79-04-9]
Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]10   C3
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile[2698-41-1]  C0.05 Pc,S,RP
2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene See ß-Chloroprene  
Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine)[53469-21-9] 1  Pc,C2,EM
Chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine)[11097-69-1] 0.5  Pc,C2,EM
1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane See Epichlorohydrin  
Chloroethane See Ethyl chloride  
2-Chloroethanol See Ethylene chlorohydrin  
bis (Chloroethyl) ether See Dichloroethyl ether  
Chloroethylene See Vinyl chloride (monomer)  
Chloroform[67-66-3]524.4  C2,RP,EM
Chloromethane See Methyl chloride  
Chloromethyl methyl ether[107-30-2]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC1,RP,EM
bis (Chloromethyl) ether[542-88-1]0.0010.0047  C1,RP,EM
p-Chloronitrobenzene See p-Nitrochlorobenzene  
ß-Chloroprene[126-99-8]1   Pc,C2,RP,EM
2-Chloropropionic acid[598-78-7]0.10.44  Pc
Chlorpyrifos[2921-88-2] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Chromium (metal)[7440-47-3] 0.5  Pi
Chromium III compounds (as Cr)  0.5   
Chromium VI, water insoluble inorganic compounds (as Cr)  0.001  C1,RP,EM
Chromium VI, water soluble inorganic compounds (as Cr)  0.05  C1,RP,EM,S
Chromyl chloride (as Cr)[14977-61-8]0.0001 0.00025 Pc,C1,RP,EM,S(D),S(R),IFV
Chrysene[218-01-9]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
Chrysotile See Asbestos  
Citral[5392-40-5]5   Pc, S(D), IFV
Clopidol[2971-90-6] 3  IFV
Coal dust[8029-10-5]; 0.9  Pr
Coal tar pitch volatiles,
as benzene solubles
[65996-93-2] 0.2  C1,RP,EM
Cobalt hydrocarbonyl (as Co)[16842-03-8] 0.1   
Cobalt tetracarbonyl (as Co)[10210-68-1] 0.1   
Cobalt, elemental and inorganic compounds (as Co)[7440-48-4] 0.02  Pi,C3,S(D),S(R)
Continuous filament fibres
(fibrous glass)
 See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Copper [7440-50-8], fume
(as Cu)
Copper [7440-50-8],
dusts & mists (as Cu)
Cotton dust  0.1  Thord
Coumaphos[56-72-4] 0.05  Pc,IFV
Coyden® See Clopidol  
Crag® See Sesone  
Cresol (all isomers)[1319-77-3]     
  [106-44-5] 20  Pc,IFV
Cristobalite See Silica  
Crocidolite See Asbestos  
Crotonaldehyde[4170-30-3]  C0.3 C3,Pc
Crufomate®[299-86-5] 5   
Cumene[98-82-8]5   C3
Cyanamide[420-04-2] 2   
Cyanazine[21725-46-2] 0.1  Pi,C3
Cyanides (as CN)[143-33-9];   P5Pc
Cyanogen[460-19-5]  C5  
Cyanogen bromide[506-68-3]  C0.3  
Cyanogen chloride[506-77-4]  C0.3C0.75RP
Cyclohexanol[108-93-0]50206  Pc
Cyclohexanone[108-94-1]20 50 Pc,C3
Cyclonite[121-82-4] 0.5  Pc
Cyhexatin[13121-70-5] 5   
2,4-D[94-75-7] 10  Pc,Id
DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)[50-29-3] 1  C3
Demeton®[8065-48-3] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Di-sec-octyl phthalate[117-81-7] 5 10C3
2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol[128-37-0] 2  IFV
Diacetone alcohol[123-42-2]50238   
Diacetyl[431-03-8]0.01 0.02  
4,4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane See 4,4’-Methylene dianiline  
1,2-Diaminoethane See Ethylenediamine  
Diatomaceous earth See Silica  
Diazinon®[333-41-5] 0.01  Pc,IVF
Diazomethane[334-88-3]0.2   C2,RP,EM
Dibromodifluoromethane See Diflurodibromomethane  
1,2-Dibromoethane[106-93-4]20155  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Dibrom® See Naled  
Dibutyl phenyl phosphate[2528-36-1]0.33.5  Pc
Dibutyl phosphate[107-66-4] 5  Pc,IFV
Dibutyl phthalate[84-74-2] 5   
2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol[102-81-8]0.5   Pc
3,3’-Dichloro-4,4’-diamino-diphenylmethane See 4,4’-Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline) 
1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin[118-52-5] 0.2 0.4 
Dichloroacetylene[7572-29-4]  C0.1 C3,RP
o-Dichlorobenzene[95-50-1]25 50  
p-Dichlorobenzene[106-46-7]10   C3
3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine[91-94-1]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C2,RP,EM
1,4-Dichloro-2-butene[764-41-0]0.0050.025  Pc,C2,EM
3,5-Dichloro-2,6-dimethyl-4 pyridinol See Clopidol  
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane See DDT  
Dichloroethyl ether[111-44-4]5291058Pc
Dichloromethane See Methylene chloride  
(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid See 2.4-D  
1,2-Dichloropropane[78-87-5]10   S(D)
(cis and trans isomers)
[542-75-6]14.5  Pc,C3
2,2-Dichloropropionic acid[75-99-0] 5  Id
Dichlorvos[62-73-7] 0.1  Pc,S(D),IVF
Dicrotophos[141-66-2] 0.05  Pc,IVF
4,4’-Dicyclohexyl methane diisocyanate See Methylene bis (4-cyclohexylisocyanate) 
Dicyclopentadiene and cyclopentadiene [77-73-6]; [542‑92‑7]0.5    
Dicyclopentadienyl iron[102-54-5] 10   
Dieldrin[60-57-1] 0.1  C3,Pc,IFV
Diesel (fuel), (as total hydrocarbons)[68334-30-5]     
  [68476-31-3] 100  C3,Pc,IFV
Diethanolamine[111-42-2] 1  C3,Pc,IFV
Diethyl ether[60-29-7]40012105001520 
Diethyl ketone[96-22-0]200 300  
Diethyl phthalate[84-66-2] 5   
2-Diethylaminoethanol[100-37-8]2   Pc
Diethylene triamine[111-40-0]14.2  Pc
Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate See Di-sec-octyl phthalate  
Diglycidyl ether (DGE)[2238-07-5]0.01    
Dihydroxybenzene See Hydroquinone  
Diisobutyl ketone[108-83-8]25145   
1,6-Diisocyanatohexane See Hexamethylene diisocyanate 
Diisopropyl ether[108-20-3]25010403101300 
Diisopropylamine[108-18-9]521  Pc
Dimethoxymethane See Methylal  
Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride[79-44-7]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
Dimethyl sulfate[77-78-1]0.10.52  Pc,C2,RP,EM
2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone See Diisobutyl ketone  
N,N-Dimethylacetamide[127-19-5]10   Pc,C3
Dimethylamine[124-40-3]5 15 S(D)
Dimethylaminobenzene See Xylidine  
Dimethylbenzene See Xylene  
N,N-Dimethylformamide[68-12-2]5   Pc,C3
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine[57-14-7]0.01   C3,Pc
Dimethylnitrosoamine See N-Nitrosodimethylamine  
Dimethylphthalate[131-11-3] 5   
Dinitolmide[148-01-6] 1   
Dinitro-ortho-cresol[534-52-1] 0.2  Pc,IFV
3,5-Dinitro-ortho-toluamide See Dinitolmide  
Dinitrobenzene (all isomers)[99-65-0];0.15   Pc,IFV
Dinitrotoluene[25321-14-6] 0.2  Pc,C3
Dioxane[123-91-1]2072  Pc,C3
Dioxathion[78-34-2] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Diphenyl See Biphenyl  
Diphenyl ether See Phenyl ether  
Diphenylamine[122-39-4] 10   
4,4’-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) See Methylene bis (4-phenyl isocyanate) 
Dipropyl ketone[123-19-3]50    
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether[34590-94-8]100606150909Pc
Diquat, as cation[2764-72-9]; 0.5  Id, Pc
    0.1  Rd,Pc
Disulfiram[97-77-8] 2   
Disulfoton[298-04-4] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Disyston® See Disulfoton  
Diuron[330-54-1] 10   
Divinyl benzene[1321-74-0]1053   
Dursban® See Chlorpyrifos  
Dust, inert or nuisance particulates See Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC) 
Dyfonate® See Fonofos  
Endosulfan[115-29-7] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Endrin[72-20-8] 0.1  Pc
Enzymes, proteolytic See Subtilisins  
Epichlorohydrin[106-89-8]27.6  Pc,C2,PR,EM
EPN[2104-64-5] 0.1  Pc,Id
2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol See Glycidol  
1,2-Epoxypropane See Propylene oxide  
Erionite See Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres 
Ethane[74-84-0]Simple asphyxiantEX
Ethanethiol See Ethyl mercaptan  
Ethanol See Ethyl alcohol  
Ethanolamine See 2-Aminoethanol  
Ethion[563-12-2] 0.05  Pc,IVF
2-Ethoxyethanol (EGEE)[110-80-5]518  Pc
2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (EGEEA)[111-15-9]527  Pc
Ethyl acetate[141-78-6]4001440   
Ethyl acrylate[140-88-5]5201561C3,S
Ethyl alcohol[64-17-5]  1000 C3
Ethyl amyl ketone[541-85-5]10    
Ethyl benzene[100-41-4]20   C3
Ethyl bromide[74-96-4]5   Pc,C3
Ethyl butyl ketone[106-35-4]50 75  
Ethyl chloride[75-00-3]100   C3,Pc
Ethyl ether See Diethyl ether  
Ethyl formate[109-94-4]100303   
Ethyl isocyanate[109-90-0]0.02 0.06 S(D),Pc
Ethyl mercaptan[75-08-1]0.51.3   
Ethyl silicate[78-10-4]1085   
Ethylamine[75-04-7]5 15 Pc
Ethylene bromide See Vinyl bromide  
Ethylene chlorohydrin[107-07-3]  C1C3.3Pc,RP
Ethylene dibromide See 1,2-Dibromoethane  
Ethylene dichloride See 1,2-Dichloroethane  
Ethylene glycol (vapour and mist)[107-21-1]  C50C127RP
Ethylene glycol dinitrate[628-96-6]0.05   Pc
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether See 2-Ethoxyethanol  
Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate See 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate  
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether See 2-Methoxyethanol  
Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate See 2-Methoxyethyl acetate  
Ethylene imine[151-56-4]0.05 0.1 C3,Pc
Ethylene oxide[75-21-8]11.8  C2,RP,EM
Ethylenediamine[107-15-3]1025  Pc, S
Ethylglycol acetate See 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate  
Ethylidene chloride See 1,1-Dichloroethane  
Ethylidene norbornene[16219-75-3]2 4  
N-Ethylmorpholine[100-74-3]524  Pc
Fenamiphos[22224-92-6] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Fensulfothion[115-90-2] 0.01  Pc,IVF
Fenthion[55-38-9] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Ferbam[14484-64-1] 5  Id
Ferrovanadium (dust)[12604-58-9] 1 3 
Fibres-Artificial vitreous mineral fibres  1 fibre/cm3  Note 4
 Continuous filament glass fibres   5 Pi
Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres (note 4)      
 Attapulgite[12174-11-7] 1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Erionite[66733-21-9] Prohibited use  C1
 Talc See Talc (fibrous)  
 Wollastonite[13983-17-0] 10  Td, note 1
    5  Rd, note 1
Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres  10  Td, note 1
 Carbon and graphite fibres  5  Rd, note 1
 Polyolefines fibres  10  Td, note 1
Fibrous glass dust See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Flour dust  3  Id,S(R)
Fluorides (as F)  2.5   
Fluorine (as F)[7782-41-4]0.1 P0.5  
Fluorotrichloromethane See Trichlorofluoromethane  
Fonofos[944-22-9] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Formaldehyde[50-00-0]  P1.5 C2,EM,RP, S(D),S(R)
Formamide[75-12-7]1   Pc,C3
Formic acid[64-18-6]59.41019 
Formic aldehyde See Formaldehyde  
Freon® 11 See Trichlorofluoromethane  
Freon® 112 See 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane 
Freon® 113 See 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 
Freon® 114 See 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 
Freon® 115 See Chloropentafluoroethane  
Freon® 12 See Dichlorodifluoromethane  
Freon® 12B2 See Difluorodibromomethane  
Freon® 21 See Dichlorofluoromethane  
Freon® 22 See Chlorodifluoromethane  
Furadan® See Carbofuran  
Furfural[98-01-1]0.2   Pc,C3
Furfuryl alcohol[98-00-0]0.2   Pc,C3
Germanium tetrahydride[7782-65-2]0.20.63   
Glass wool See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Glass, fibrous or dust See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Glutaraldehyde[111-30-8]  P0.05 RP,S(D),S(R)
Glycerin (mist)[56-81-5] 10   
Glycidol[556-52-5]2   C3
Glycol monoethyl ether See 2-Ethoxyethanol  
Grain dust (oat, wheat, barley)  4  Td, note 1
Graphite (all forms except fibers)[7782-42-5] 2  Rd, note 1
Graphite (fibres) See Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres 
Guthion® See Azinphos-methyl  
Gypsum See Calcium sulfate  
Hafnium[7440-58-6] 0.5   
Hard metals containing cobalt and tungsten carbide, as cobalt  0.005  C2,RP,EM, S(R),Thord
Helium[7440-59-7]Simple asphyxiant  
Heptachlor[76-44-8] 0.05  Pc,C3
Heptachlor epoxide[1024-57-3] 0.05  Pc,C3
Heptane (all isomers)[108-08-7]     
  [591-76-4]400 500  
2-Heptanone See Methyl n-amyl ketone  
3-Heptanone See Ethyl butyl ketone  
Hexachlorobenzene[118-74-1] 0.002  C3,Pc
Hexachlorobutadiene[87-68-3]0.020.21  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Hexachloroethane[67-72-1]19.7  Pc,C3
Hexachloronaphthalene[1335-87-1] 0.2  Pc
Hexafluoroacetone[684-16-2]0.10.68  Pc
Hexamethylenetetramine[100-97-0] 1  S(D),IFV
Hexamethylphosphoramide[680-31-9]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C2,RP,EM
Hexamethylene diisocyanate[822-06-0]0.0050.034  EM,S
n-Hexane[110-54-3]50176  Pc
Hexane (other isomers) 500176010003500 
2-Hexanone See Methyl n-butyl ketone  
Hexazinone[51235-04-2] 3  Pi
Hexone See Methyl isobutyl ketone  
sec-Hexyl acetate[108-84-9]20 50  
Hexylene glycol[107-41-5]  C25C121RP
Hydrazine[302-01-2]0.10.13  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Hydrogen[1333-74-0]Simple asphyxiant  
Hydrogen bromide[10035-10-6]  C2 RP
Hydrogen chloride[7647-01-0]  C2 RP
Hydrogen cyanide[74-90-8]  P4.7 Pc
Hydrogen fluoride (as F)[7664-39-3]0.5 3 Pc,RP
Hydrogen peroxide[7722-84-1]1   C3
Hydrogen selenide (as Se)[7783-07-5]0.050.16   
Hydrogen sulfide[7783-06-4]8 P10  
Hydrogenated terphenyls[61788-32-7]0.54.9   
Hydroquinone[123-31-9] 1  C3, S(D)
Hydroquinone monomethyl ether See 4-Methoxyphenol  
4-Hydroxy-4methyl-2-pentanone See Diacetone alcohol  
2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate[999-61-1]0.5   Pc, S(D)
2,2’-Iminodiethanol See Diethanolamine  
Indium and compounds (as In)[7440-74-6] 0.1   
Indium tin oxide (as In)[50926-11-9] 0.0001  Pr,C3,S(D)
Insulation wool fibres See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Iodide 0.01   IFV
Iodine[7553-56-2]0.01 0.1 IFV
Iodomethane See Methyl iodide  
Iron dicyclopentadienyl See Dicyclopentadienyl iron  
Iron pentacarbonyl (as Fe)[13463-40-6] 
Iron salts, soluble (as Fe)  1.0   
Iron trioxide, dust and fume
(as Fe)
[1309-37-1] 5   
Isoamyl alcohol[123-51-3]100361125452 
Isobutane[75-28-5]  1000  
Isobutyl alcohol[78-83-1]50152   
Isocyanate oligomers Without applicable permissible exposure valueS
Isooctyl alcohol[26952-21-6]50266  Pc
Isophorone[78-59-1]  C5 RP,C3
Isophorone diisocyanate[4098-71-9]0.0050.045  EM,S
Isopropoxyethanol[109-59-1]25106  Pc
Isopropyl alcohol[67-63-0]200 400  
Isopropyl ether See Diisopropyl ether  
Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE)[4016-14-2]5023875356 
Isopropylamine[75-31-0]2 5 Pc
N-Isopropylaniline[768-52-5]211  Pc
Isopropylbenzene See Cumene  
Kaolin[1332-58-7] 2  Rd, note 1
Kerosene[8008-20-6; 64742-81-0] 200  C3,Pc
L.P.G. (Liquified petroleum gas)[68476-85-7]Simple asphyxiant EX
Lead [7439-92-1], and inorganic compounds, (as Pb)  0.05  C3
Lead arsenate (as Pb3(AsO4)2)[3687-31-8]See Lead and its inorganic compounds and Arsenic and its inorganic compounds 
Lead tetraethyl (as Pb)[78-00-2] 0.05  Pc
Lead tetramethyl (as Pb)[75-74-1] 0.05  Pc
Limestone[1317-65-3] 10  Td, note 1
Lindane[58-89-9] 0.5  C3,Pc
Lithium hydride[7580-67-8]   C0.05Id
Magnesite[546-93-0] 10  Td, note 1
Magnesium oxide[1309-48-4] 10  Id
Malathion[121-75-5] 1  Pc,IVF
Maleic anhydride[108-31-6] 0.01  IVF, S(D),S(R)
Manganese cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl (as Mn)[12079-65-1] 0.1  Pc
Manganese - Fumes, dust and compounds (as Mn) (inhalable)[7439-96-5] 0.2  Pi
Manganese - Fumes, dust and compounds (as Mn) (respirable)[7439-96-5] 0.05  Pr
Manganese methyl cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl (as Mn)[12108-13-3] 0.2  Pc
Marble See Limestone  
Mequinol See 4-Methoxyphenol  
Mercury [7439-97-6],
alkyl compounds (as Hg)
  0.01 0.03Pc
Mercury [7439-97-6],
aryl compounds (as Hg)
  0.1  Pc
Mercury [7439-97-6],
inorganic compounds (as Hg)
  0.025  Pc
Mercury [7439-97-6],
mercury vapor (as Hg)
  0.025  Pc
Mesityl oxide[141-79-7]15 25  
Methacrylic acid[79-41-4]2070   
Methane[74-82-8]Simple asphyxiant  
Methanethiol See Methyl mercaptan  
Methanol See Methyl alcohol  
Methomyl[16752-77-5] 0.2  Pc,IVF
Methoxychlor[72-43-5] 10   
2-Methoxyethanol (EGME)[109-86-4]0.1   Pc
2-Methoxyethyl acetate[110-49-6]0.1   Pc
4-Methoxyphenol[150-76-5] 5   
1-Methoxy-2-propanol See Propylene glycol monomethyl ether 
Methyl acetate[79-20-9]200606250757 
Methyl acetylene[74-99-7]10001640   
Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture (MAPP)[59355-75-8]1000164012502050 
Methyl acrylate[96-33-3]2   Pc, S(D)
Methyl alcohol[67-56-1]200262250328Pc
Methyl amyl alcohol[108-11-2]20 40  
Methyl n-amyl ketone[110-43-0]50233   
Methyl bromide[74-83-9]1   Pc
Methyl tert-butyl ether[1634-04-4]40144   
Methyl n-butyl ketone[591-78-6]5 10 Pc
Methyl cellosolve® See 2-Methoxyethanol  
Methyl cellosolve® acetate See 2-Methoxyethyl acetate  
Methyl chloride[74-87-3]50103100207Pc
Methyl chloroform[71-55-6]35019104502460 
Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate[137-05-3]0.2    
Methyl demeton[8022-00-2] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)[78-93-3]50150100300 
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide[1338-23-4]  C0.2C1.5RP
Methyl formate[107-31-3]50 100 Pc
Methyl glycol See 2-Methoxyethanol  
Methyl glycol acetate See 2-Methoxyethyl acetate  
Methyl hydrazine[60-34-4]0.01   C3,Pc
Methyl iodide[74-88-4]212  Pc,C2,EM
Methyl isoamyl ketone[110-12-3]20 50  
Methyl isobutyl carbinol See Methyl amyl alcohol  
Methyl isobutyl ketone[108-10-1]20 75 C3
Methyl isocyanate[624-83-9]0.02 0.06 Pc,S(D)
Methyl isopropyl ketone[563-80-4]20    
Methyl mercaptan[74-93-1]0.50.98   
Methyl methacrylate (monomer)[80-62-6]50 100 S(D)
Methyl parathion[298-00-0] 0.02  Pc,IVF
Methyl propyl ketone[107-87-9]  150  
1-Methyl naphthalene[90-12-0]0.5   Pc
2-Methyl naphthalene[91-57-6]0.5   Pc
Methyl silicate[681-84-5]16   
α-Methyl styrene[98-83-9]10   C3
Methylacrylonitrile[126-98-7]12.7  Pc
Methylamine[74-89-5]5 15  
N-Methylaniline[100-61-8]0.52.2  Pc
Methylene chloride[75-09-2]50174  C2,EM
4,4’-Methylene bis
(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA)
[101-14-4]0.01   Pc,C2,IFV
Methylene bis
[5124-30-1]0.0050.054  EM,S
4,4’-Methylene dianiline[101-77-9]0.10.81  Pc,C2,EM
Methylene bis
(4-phenyl isocyanate) (MDI)
[101-68-8]0.0050.051  EM,S
5-Methyl-3-heptanone See Ethyl amyl ketone  
Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)[3425-89-6];0.00007 0.0003 Pc,S(D),S(R)
N-Methyl-2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl nitramine See Tetryl  
Metribuzin[21087-64-9] 5   
Mevinphos® See Phosdrin  
Mica[12001-26-2] 0.1  Pr
Microfibres (fibrous glass) See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Mineral oil (mist)      
 Little or unrefined Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,EM,RP
 Pure, highly and ultra-refined  5  Id
Mineral wool fibres See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Molybdenum (as Mo)      
 Metal [7439-98-7] and
insoluble compounds
  10  Id
 Metal [7439-98-7] and
insoluble compounds
  3  Rd
 Soluble compounds  0.5  C3,Rd
Monocrotophos[6923-22-4] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Monomethylformamide[123-39-7]1   Pc
Morpholine[110-91-8]2071  Pc
Naled (Dibrom®)[300-76-5] 0.1  Pc,S(D),IVF
Naphtha See VM&P Naphtha  
Naphthalene[91-20-3]10   C3,Pc
ß-Naphthylamine[91-59-8]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC1,RP,EM
α-Naphthylthiourea See ANTU  
Nemacur® See Fenamiphos 
Neon[7440-01-9]Simple asphyxiant  
Nialate® See Ethion  
Nickel and inorganic compounds[7440-02-0]     
 Metal  1.5  Id
 Insoluble compounds (as Ni)  0.2  Id,C1,EM,RP
 Soluble compounds (as Ni)  0.1  Id
 Nickel subsulfide[12035-72-2] 3  Id,C1,EM,RP
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni)[13463-39-3] 0.0010.007  
Nicotine[54-11-5] 0.5  Pc
Nitrapyrin[1929-82-4] 10 20IFV
Nitric acid[7697-37-2]25.2410 
Nitric oxide See Nitrogen monoxide  
p-Nitroaniline[100-01-6] 3  Pc
Nitrobenzene[98-95-3]1   C3,Pc
p-Nitrochlorobenzene[100-00-5]0.1   C3,Pc
4-Nitrodiphenyl[92-93-3]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C1,RP,EM
Nitrogen[7727-37-9]Simple asphyxiant  
Nitrogen dioxide[10102-44-0]3 5  
Nitrogen monoxide[10102-43-9]2531   
Nitrogen trifluoride[7783-54-2]1029   
Nitroglycerin[55-63-0]0.05   Pc
Nitromethane[75-52-5]20   C3
2-Nitropropane[79-46-9]1036  C2,RP,EM
N-Nitrosodimethylamine[62-75-9]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C2,RP,EM
Nitrotoluene (all isomers)[88-72-2]     
  [1321-12-6]2   Pc
Nitrotrichloromethane See Chloropicrin  
Nitrous oxide[10024-97-2]5090   
Nuisance particulates See Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC) 
Octachloronaphthalene[2234-13-1] 0.1 0.3Pc
Octane (all isomers)[111-65-9]300    
Oil mist, mineral See Mineral oil (mist)  
Osmium tetroxide (as Os)[20816-12-0]0.0020.00160.00060.0047 
Oxalic acid[144-62-7] 1 2 
Oxygen difluoride[7783-41-7]  C0.05C0.11RP
Ozone[10028-15-6]  C0.1C0.2RP
Para-aramides fibres See Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres 
Paraffin wax, fume[8002-74-2] 2   
Paraquat, as cation[4685-14-7] 0.5   
    0.1  Rd
Parathion[56-38-2] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PPAH) See Coal tar pitch volatiles  
Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC) See Part 1.1  
Pentachloronaphthalene[1321-64-8] 0.5  Pc, IFV
Pentachloronitrobenzene[82-68-8] 0.5   
Pentachlorophenol[87-86-5] 0.5  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Pentaerythritol[115-77-5] 10   
Pentane (all isomers)[109-66-0]     
2-Pentanone See Methyl propyl ketone  
3-Pentanone See Diethyl ketone  
Pentyl acetate (all isomers)[123-92-2]     
  [628-63-7]50 100  
Peracetic acid[79-21-0]  0.4 IFV
Perchloromethyl mercaptan[594-42-3]0.10.76   
Perchloryl fluoride[7616-94-6]0.5    
Perfluorodimethylcetone See Hexafluoroacetone  
Perfluoroisobutylene[382-21-8]  C0.01C0.082RP
Perlite[83969-76-0] 10  Td, note 1
    5  Rd, note 1
Petroleum distillates See Gasoline, Stoddard solvent, VM&P Naphtha 
Phenacyl chloride See α-Chloroacetophenone 
Phenol[108-95-2]519  Pc
Phenothiazine[92-84-2] 5  Pc
Phenyl ether, vapour[101-84-8]17214 
Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE)[122-60-1]0.1   Pc,S(D),C3
Phenyl isocyanate[103-71-9]0.005 0.015 S(D),S(R),Pc
Phenyl mercaptan[108-98-5]0.1   Pc
meta-Phenylenediamine[108-45-2] 0.1   
ortho-Phenylenediamine[95-54-5] 0.1  C2,EM
para-Phenylenediamine[106-50-3] 0.1  Pc,S
Phenylethylene See Styrene (monomer)  
Phenylhydrazine[100-63-0]0.10.44  Pc,C2,RP,EM
N-Phenyl-ß-naphthylamine[135-88-6]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
Phenylphosphine[638-21-1]  C0.05C0.23RP
Phorate[298-02-2] 0.05  Pc,IVF
Phosdrin[7786-34-7] 0.01  Pc,IVF
Phosphine[7803-51-2] 0.05 P0.15 
Phosphoric acid[7664-38-2] 1 3 
Phosphorus (yellow)[12185-10-3] 0.1   
Phosphorus oxychloride[10025-87-3]0.10.63   
Phosphorus pentachloride[10026-13-8]0.10.85   
Phosphorus pentasulfide[1314-80-3] 1 3 
Phosphorus trichloride[7719-12-2] 
Phthalic anhydride[85-44-9] 0.002 0.005Pc,S(D),S(R),IFV
m-Phthalodinitrile[626-17-5] 5  IFV
Picloram[1918-02-1] 10   
Picric acid[88-89-1] 0.1  S
Pindone[83-26-1] 0.1   
Piperazine and salts, as piperazine[110-85-0]0.03   S(D), S(R),IFV
Plaster of Paris See Calcium sulfate  
 Metal  1  S
 Soluble salts (as Pt)  0.002  S
Polychlorobiphenyls See Chlorodiphenyl  
Polyolefines fibres See Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres 
Polytetrafluoroethylene decomposition products[9002-84-0]Determine quantitatively the decomposition products in the air and express the results as Fluorides (see Fluorides standards) 
Portland cement[65997-15-1] 1  S,Rd, note 1
Potassium hydroxide[1310-58-3]   C2RP,EM
Precipitated silica See Silica - Amorphous, precipitated 
Propane[74-98-6]Simple asphyxiant EX
Propane sultone[1120-71-4]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
Propanol See n-Propyl alcohol  
Propargyl alcohol[107-19-7]12.3  Pc
ß-Propiolactone[57-57-8]0.51.5  C2,RP,EM
Propionic acid[79-09-4]1030   
Propoxur[114-26-1] 0.5  C3,IFV
Propyl acetate (isomers)[108-21-4];100 150  
n-Propyl alcohol[71-23-8]100    
n-Propyl nitrate[627-13-4]2510740172 
Propylene dichloride See 1,2-Dichloropropane  
Propylene glycol dinitrate[6423-43-4]0.050.34  Pc
Propylene glycol ethyl ether[1569-02-4]50 200 Pc
Propylene glycol monomethyl ether[107-98-2] 50 100 
Propylene imine[75-55-8]0.2 0.4 C3,Pc
Propylene oxide[75-56-9]    C3,S(D)
Propyne See Methyl acetylene  
Propyne-Propadiene mixture See Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture (MAPP) 
Pyrethrum[8003-34-7] 5   
Pyridine[110-86-1]1   C3
Pyrocatechol See Catechol  
Quartz See Silica - Crystalline, Quartz  
Quinone See p-Benzoquinone  
RDX See Cyclonite  
Refractory fibres See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Resin acids[8050-09-7] 0.001  Pi, S(D),S(R)
 Metal and insoluble compounds (as Rh)  0.1   
 Soluble compounds (as Rh)  0.001   
Rock wool See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Ronnel[299-84-3] 5  IVF
Rotenone[83-79-4] 5   
Rubber solvent (Naphtha)[8030-30-6] 1000   
Selenium [7782-49-2] and compounds (as Se)  0.2   
Selenium hexafluoride (as Se)[7783-79-1]0.050.16   
Sencor® See Metribuzin  
N-Serve® See Nitrapyrin  
Sesone[136-78-7] 10   
Sevin® See Carbaryl  
Silane See Silicon tetrahydride  
Silica cristalline, cristobalite[14464-46-1] 0.05  Rd,C2,EM
Silica – Crystalline/Tripoli[14808-60-7] 0.05  Rd,C2,EM
Silicon[7440-21-3] 10  Td, note 1
Silicon carbide (non fibrous)[409-21-2] 10  Td, note 1
    3  Rd, note 1
Silicon tetrahydride[7803-62-5]56.6   
 Metal  0.1   
 Soluble compounds (as Ag)  0.01   
Simazine[122-34-9] 0.5  C3, Id
Slag wool See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Sodium azide      
 Sodium azide[26628-22-8]   C0.29 
 Hydrazoic acid vapour   C0.11  
Sodium bisulfite[7631-90-5] 5   
Sodium 2,4-dichlorophenoxyethyl sulfate See Sesone  
Sodium fluoroacetate[62-74-8] 0.05 0.15Pc
Sodium hydroxide[1310-73-2]   C2RP
Sodium metabisulfite[7681-57-4] 5   
Starch[9005-25-8] 10  Td, note 1
Stearates[57-11-4]; 10  J;Pi
    3  J;Pr
Stibine (as Sb)[7803-52-3]0.10.51   
Stoddard solvent[8052-41-3]100525   
Strontium chromate (as Cr)[7789-06-2] 0.0005  C2,RP,EM
Strychnine[57-24-9] 0.15   
Styrene (monomer)[100-42-5] 5075  
Subtilisins (Proteolytic enzymes as 100% pure crystalline enzyme)[1395-21-7]     
 [9014-01-1]  C0.00006 S,RP
Succinaldehyde[638-37-9]14  Pc
Sucrose[57-50-1] 10   
Sulfometuron methyl[74222-97-2] 5  Pc
Sulfotep[3689-24-5] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Sulfur dioxide[7446-09-5]25.2513 
Sulfur hexafluoride[2551-62-4]10005970   
Sulfur monochloride[10025-67-9]  C1C5.5RP
Sulfur pentafluoride[5714-22-7]  C0.01C0.1RP
Sulfur tetrafluoride[7783-60-0]  C0.1C0.44RP
Sulfuric acid[7664-93-9] 0.2 3Thord, RP,EM(C2 for strong acid mist)
Sulfuryl fluoride[2699-79-8]5211042 
Sulprofos[35400-43-2] 0.1  Pc,IVF
Systox See Demeton®  
2,4,5-T[93-76-5] 10  C2,RP,EM
Talc, fibrous (note 4)  1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
Talc, non fibrous[14807-96-6] 2  Rd,note 1
Tantalum [7440-25-7], metal and oxide dusts (as Ta)  5   
TEDP See Sulfotep  
Tellurium [13494-80-9] and compounds (as Te)  0.1   
Tellurium hexafluoride (as Te)[7783-80-4]0.020.10   
Temephos[3383-96-8] 1  Pc,IVF
TEPP[107-49-3] 0.01  Pc,IVF
Terbufos[13071-79-9] 0.01  Pc,IVF
Terephthalic acid[100-21-0] 10   
Terphenyls[26140-60-3]  C0.53C5RP
Tert-Amyl methyl ether [TAME][994-05-8]20    
1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane (Acetylene tetrabromide)[79-27-6]0.1    
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (Acetylene tetrachloride)[79-34-5]1   C3,Pc
Tetrachloroethylene See Perchloroethylene  
Tetrachloromethane See Carbon tetrachloride  
Tetrachloronaphthalene[1335-88-2] 2   
Tetraethyl lead See Lead tetraethyl  
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate See TEPP  
Tetrahydrofuran[109-99-9]50 100 C3,Pc
Tetramethyl lead See Lead tetramethyl  
Tetramethyl succinonitrile[3333-52-6] 0.5  Pc,IFV
Tetranitromethane[509-14-8]0.0050.04  C2,EM
Tetrasodium pyrophosphate[7722-88-5] 5   
Tetryl[479-45-8] 1.5   
TGIC See Triglycidyl isocyanurate 
Thallium [7440-28-0], and compounds (as Tl)  0.02  Pc,Id
Thimet® See Phorate  
4,4’-Thiobis (6-tert-butyl-m-cresol)[96-69-5] 1  Id
Thiodan® See Endosulfan  
Thiodiphenylamine See Phenothiazine  
Thioglycolic acid[68-11-1]13.8  Pc
Thionyl chloride[7719-09-7]  P0.2  
Thiram®[137-26-8] 0.05  S(D),IVF
Tin and its inorganic compounds [18282-10-5; 21651-19-4], (as Sn) (except stannane and indium tin oxide)[7440-31-5] 2  Pi
Titanium dioxide[13463-67-7] 10  Td, note 1
Titanium tetrachloride (as hydrogen chloride)[7550-45-0]  P0.5  
o-Tolidine[119-93-7]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C2,RP,EM
Toluene[108-88-3]20   OTO
Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) (isomers mixture)[26471-62-5];0.001 0.005 Pc, C3, S(D), S(R), IFV
o-Toluidine[95-53-4]28.8  Pc,C2,RP,EM
m-Toluidine[108-44-1]28.8  Pc
p-Toluidine[106-49-0]28.8  Pc,C2,EM
Toxaphene See Chlorinated camphene  
Tremolite See Asbestos  
Tribromomethane See Bromoform  
Tri-n-butyl phosphate[126-73-8] 5  C3,IFV
Trichloroacetic acid[76-03-9]0.5   C3
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene[120-82-1]  C5C37RP
1,1,2-Trichloroethane[79-00-5]10   C3,Pc
1,1,1-Trichloroethane See Methyl chloroform  
Trichloroethylene[79-01-6]10 25 C2,RP,EM
Trichlorofluoromethane[75-69-4]  C1000C5620RP
Trichloromethane See Chloroform  
Trichloronaphthalene[1321-65-9] 5  Pc
Trichloronitromethane See Chloropicrin  
2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid See 2,4,5-T  
1,2,3-Trichloropropane[96-18-4]0.005   C2,EM,RP
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate[78-30-8] 0.02  Pc,IFV
Tricyclohexyltin hydroxide See Cyhexatin  
Tridymite See Silica - Crystalline  
Triethanolamine[102-71-6] 5  S
Triethylamine[121-44-8]0.5 1 Pc
Trifluorobromomethane See Bromotrifluoromethane  
Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (alpha-)[59653-73-5] 0.05   
Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (beta-)[59653-74-6] 0.05   
Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (mixed isomers)[2451-62-9] 0.05   
Trimellitic anhydride[552-30-7] 0.0005 0.002Pc,S(D),S(R), IVF
Trimethyl benzene (mixed isomers)[25551-13-7]25   S
Trimethyl phosphite[121-45-9]210   
2,4,6-Trinitrophenol See Picric acid  
2,4,6-Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine See Tetryl  
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)[118-96-7] 0.1  Pc,IFV
Triphenyl amine[603-34-9] 5   
Triphenyl phosphate[115-86-6] 3   
Tripoli See Silica - Crystalline  
Tungsten and compounds, in the absence of Cobalt (as W)[7440-33-7]3   Pr
Turpentine and certain monoterpenes      
 Turpentine[8006-64-2]20112  S(D)
 ∆-3 Carene[13466-78-9]20112  S(D)
 α-Pinene[80-56-8]20112  S(D)
 ß-Pinene[127-91-3]20112  S(D)
Uranium (natural)      
 soluble and insoluble compounds (as U)[7440-61-1] 0.2 0.6C1,RP,EM
N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone[88-12-0]0.05   C3
Vanadium pentoxide (as V)[1314-62-1] 0.05  C3,Id
Vegetable oil mists (except castor, cashew and other similar irritant oils)[68956-68-3] 10   
Vinyl acetate[108-05-4]10351553C3
Vinyl benzene See Styrene (monomer)  
Vinyl bromide[593-60-2]0.5   C2,RP,EM
Vinyl chloride (monomer)[75-01-04]12.6  C1,RP,EM
Vinyl cyanide See Acrylonitrile  
Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide[106-87-6]0.1   C3,Pc
Vinyl toluene[25013-15-4]50242100483 
Vinylidene chloride See 1,1-Dichloroethylene  
VM&P Naphtha[8032-32-4]3001370   
Warfarin[81-81-2] 0.01  Id,Pc
Welding fumes
(not otherwise classified)
Wollastonite See Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres 
Wood dust (western red cedar)  0.5  Pi,S(D),S(R)
Wood dust hard and soft, except red cedar  5  Td, note 1
Xylene (o-,m-,p- isomers)[1330-20-7]     
m-Xylene-α ,α’diamine[1477-55-0]   C0.1Pc,RP
Xylidine (mixed isomers)[1300-73-8]0.5   C3,Pc,IFV
Yttrium [7440-65-5], metal and compounds (as Y)  1   
Zinc chloride, fume[7646-85-7] 1 2 
Zinc, oxide[1314-13-2] 2 10Rd
Zirconium and compounds (as Zr)[7440-67-7] 5 10 
Zoalene®See Dinitolmide
Part 1.1
Particulates present in the air that meet the following conditions are considered Particulates Not Otherwise Classified (PNOC) or nuisance particulates:
(1) no permissible exposure value is provided for them in Part 1 of Schedule I to this Regulation;
(2) they are insoluble or poorly soluble in water;
(3) their toxicity is low and they have no effect other than lung overload or mechanical irritation.
The permissible exposure values for such particulates are weighted average exposure values (WAEVs) of 10 mg/m3 in inhalable particulates (IP) and 3 mg/m3 in respirable particulates (RP).
Part 2
Where a worker carries out his work at more than one work location during an 8-hour period, each exposure at those locations must be included in the evaluation of the daily average exposure value with respect to any substance listed in Parts 1 and 1.1 of this Schedule. The same applies when the worker performs his work at more than one work location for a period equal to or greater than 4 hours but less than 8 hours or a period greater than 8 hours but less than or equal to 16 hours.
For the purpose of evaluating average daily exposure, the method of computation prescribed in the following formula is used
Daily average exposure value:
(in mg/m3 or in ppm)
C1T1 + C2t2 + ... + Cntn
t1 + t2 + ... + tn
C = measured concentration of a substance at a work location (expressed in mg/m3 or in ppm)
t = duration of exposure to the substance at the same work location (expressed in hours)
1, 2, ... , n = indication of work locations
t1 + t2 + ... + tn = 8 hours or the total period of the shift in hours, whichever applies
Part 3
Where two or more substances listed in Parts 1 and 1.1 of this Schedule are present at the work location and where they have similar effects on the same organs of the human body, the effects of these substances are considered to be additive, unless it is established otherwise.
The concentration of the substances in the mixture is computed as follows:
C1 + C2 + ... + Cn
Rm = __ __ __
T1 T2 Tn
Rm = sum of the fractions of the mixture
C = measured concentration of a substance at a work location (expressed in mg/m3 or in ppm)
T = depending on the case, the time-weighted average exposure value permited under Parts 1 and 1.1 of this schedule or the adjusted average exposure value established in accordance with the Guide to the adjustment of permissible exposure values for unusual work schedules, published by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail
1, 2, ... , n = indication of substances in the mixture
If Rm is greater than one, the time-weighted or adjusted average exposure value of the mixture of the substances is exceeded
Part 4
50-00-0 Formaldehyde
50-29-3 DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene
50-78-2 Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
54-11-5 Nicotine
55-38-9 Fenthion
55-63-0 Nitroglycerin
56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride
56-38-2 Parathion
56-55-3 Benz(a)anthracene
56-72-4 Coumaphos
56-81-5 Glycerin
57-11-4 Stearates
57-14-7 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine
57-24-9 Strychnine
57-50-1 Sucrose
57-57-8 ß-Propiolactone
57-74-9 Chlordane
58-89-9 Lindane
60-29-7 Diethyl ether
60-34-4 Methyl hydrazine
60-35-5 Acetamide
60-57-1 Dieldrin
61-82-5 Amitrole
62-53-3 Aniline
62-73-7 Dichlorvos
62-74-8 Sodium fluoroacetate
62-75-9 N-Nitrosodimethylamine
63-25-2 Carbaryl
64-17-5 Ethyl alcohol
64-18-6 Formic acid
64-19-7 Acetic acid
67-56-1 Methyl alcohol
67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol
67-64-1 Acetone
67-66-3 Chloroform
67-72-1 Hexachloroethane
68-11-1 Thioglycolic acid
68-12-2 N,N-Dimethylformamide
71-23-8 n-Propyl alcohol
71-36-3 n-Butyl alcohol
71-43-2 Benzene
71-55-6 Methyl chloroform
72-20-8 Endrin
72-43-5 Methoxychlor
74-82-8 Methane
74-83-9 Methyl bromide
74-84-0 Ethane
74-85-1 Ethylene
74-86-2 Acetylene
74-87-3 Methyl chloride
74-88-4 Methyl iodide
74-89-5 Methylamine
74-90-8 Hydrogen cyanide
74-93-1 Methyl mercaptan
74-96-4 Ethyl bromide
74-97-5 Chlorobromomethane
74-98-6 Propane
74-99-7 Methyl acetylene
75-00-3 Ethyl chloride
75-01-4 Vinyl chloride
75-04-7 Ethylamine
75-05-8 Acetonitrile
75-07-0 Acetaldehyde
75-08-1 Ethyl mercaptan
75-09-2 Methylene chloride
75-12-7 Formamide
75-15-0 Carbon disulfide
75-21-8 Ethylene oxide
75-25-2 Bromoform
75-28-5 Isobutane
75-31-0 Isopropylamine
75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane
75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene
75-43-4 Dichlorofluoromethane
75-44-5 Phosgene
75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane
75-47-8 Iodoform
75-50-3 Trimethylamine
75-52-5 Nitromethane
75-55-8 Propylene imine
75-56-9 Propylene oxide
75-61-6 Difluorodibromomethane
75-63-8 Bromotrifluoromethane
75-65-0 tert-Butyl alcohol
75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane
75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane
75-74-1 Lead tetramethyl
75-86-5 Acetone cyanohydrin
75-91-2 tert-Butyl hydroperoxide
75-99-0 2,2-Dichloropropionic acid
76-03-9 Trichloroacetic acid
76-06-2 Chloropicrin
76-11-9 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2,2-difluoroethane
76-12-0 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro-1, 2-difluoroethane
76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
76-14-2 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
76-15-3 Chloropentafluoroethane
76-22-2 Camphor (synthetic)
76-44-8 Heptachlor
77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
77-73-6 Dicyclopentadiene
77-78-1 Dimethyl sulfate
78-00-2 Lead tetraethyl
78-10-4 Ethyl silicate
78-30-8 Tri-o-cresyl phosphate
78-34-2 Dioxathion
78-59-1 Isophorone
78-78-4 Pentane
78-83-1 Isobutyl alcohol
78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane
78-92-2 sec-Butyl alcohol
78-93-3 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
78-95-5 Chloroacetone
79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane
79-01-6 Trichloroethylene
79-04-9 Chloroacetyl chloride
79-06-1 Acrylamide
79-09-4 Propionic acid
79-10-7 Acrylic acid
79-20-9 Methyl acetate
79-21-0 Peracetic acid
79-24-3 Nitroethane
79-27-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane
79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane
79-41-4 Methacrylic acid
79-44-7 Dimethyl carbamoyl chloride
79-46-9 2-Nitropropane
80-56-8 [a]-Pinene
80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate (monomer)
81-81-2 Warfarin
82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene
83-26-1 Pindone
83-79-4 Rotenone
84-66-2 Diethyl phthalate
84-74-2 Dibutyl phthalate
85-00-7 Diquat
85-44-9 Phthalic anhydride
86-50-0 Azinphos-methyl
86-88-4 ANTU (∝Naphthylthiourea)
87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene
87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol
88-12-0 N-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidone
88-72-2 Nitrotoluene
88-89-1 Picric acid
89-72-5 o-sec-Butylphenol
90-04-0 o-Anisidine
90-12-0 1-Methyl naphthalene
91-20-3 Naphthalene
91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene
91-59-8 ß-Naphthylamine
91-94-1 3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine
92-52-4 Biphenyl
92-67-1 4-Aminodiphenyl
92-84-2 Phenothiazine
92-87-5 Benzidine (production)
92-93-3 4-Nitrodiphenyl
93-76-5 2,4,5-T
94-36-0 Benzoyl peroxide
94-75-7 2,4-D
95-13-6 Indene
95-47-6 Xylene
95-48-7 Cresol
95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene
95-50-1 o-Dichlorobenzene
95-53-4 o-Toluidine
95-54-5 ortho-Phenylenediamine
96-05-9 Allyl methacrylate
96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane
96-22-0 Diethyl ketone
96-33-3 Methyl acrylate
96-69-5 4,4’-Thiobis (6-tert-butyl-m-cresol)
97-77-8 Disulfiram
98-00-0 Furfuryl alcohol
98-01-1 Furfural
98-07-7 Benzene (trichloromethyl)
98-51-1 p-tert-Butyltoluene
98-82-8 Cumene
98-83-9 ∝Methyl styrene
98-86-2 Acetophenone
98-95-3 Nitrobenzene
99-08-1 Nitrotoluene
99-65-0 Dinitrobenzene
99-99-0 Nitrotoluene
100-00-5 p-Nitrochlorobenzene
100-01-6 p-Nitroaniline
100-21-0 Terephthalic acid
100-25-4 Dinitrobenzene
100-37-8 2-Diethylaminoethanol
100-41-4 Ethyl benzene
100-42-5 Styrene (monomer)
100-44-7 Benzyl chloride
100-61-8 N-Methylaniline
100-63-0 Phenylhydrazine
100-74-3 N-Ethylmorpholine
100-97-0 Hexamethylenetetramine
101-14-4 4,4’-Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline) (MOCA)
101-68-8 Methylene bis (4-phenyl isocyanate) (MDI)
101-77-9 4,4’-Methylene dianiline
101-84-8 Phenyl ether, vapour
102-54-5 Dicyclopentadienyl iron
102-71-6 Triethanolamine
102-81-8 2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol
103-71-9 Phenyl isocyanate
104-94-9 p-Anisidine
105-46-4 Butyl acetate
105-60-2 Caprolactam
106-35-4 Ethyl butyl ketone
106-42-3 Xylene
106-44-5 Cresol
106-46-7 p-Dichlorobenzene
106-49-0 p-Toluidine
106-50-3 p-Phenylenediamine
106-51-4 p-Benzoquinone
106-87-6 Vinyl cyclohexene dioxide
106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin
106-92-3 Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE)
106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane
106-94-5 1-Bromopropane
106-97-8 Butane
106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene
107-02-8 Acrolein
107-05-1 3-Chloropropene
107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane
107-07-3 Ethylene chlorohydrin
107-13-1 Acrylonitrile
107-15-3 Ethylenediamine
107-18-6 Allyl alcohol
107-19-7 Propargyl alcohol
107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde
107-21-1 Ethylene glycol
107-30-2 Chloromethyl methyl ether
107-31-3 Methyl formate
107-41-5 Hexylene glycol
107-49-3 TEPP
107-66-4 Dibutyl phosphate
107-87-9 Methyl propyl ketone
107-98-2 Propylene glycol monomethyl ether
108-03-2 1-Nitropropane
108-05-4 Vinyl acetate
108-08-7 Heptane
108-10-1 Methyl isobutyl ketone
108-11-2 Methyl amyl alcohol
108-18-9 Diisopropylamine
108-20-3 Diisopropyl ether
108-21-4 Isopropyl acetate
108-21-4 Propyl acetate (isomers)
108-24-7 Acetic anhydride
108-31-6 Maleic anhydride
108-38-3 Xylene
108-39-4 Cresol
108-44-1 m-Toluidine
108-45-2 meta-Phenylenediamine
108-46-3 Resorcinol
108-83-8 Diisobutyl ketone
108-84-9 sec-Hexyl acetate
108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane
108-88-3 Toluene
108-90-7 Chlorobenzene
108-91-8 Cyclohexylamine
108-93-0 Cyclohexanol
108-94-1 Cyclohexanone
108-95-2 Phenol
108-98-5 Phenyl mercaptan
109-59-1 Isopropoxyethanol
109-60-4 n-Propyl acetate
109-60-4 Propyl acetate (isomers)
109-63-7 Boron trifluoride ethers
109-66-0 Pentane
109-73-9 n-Butylamine
109-79-5 Butyl mercaptan
109-86-4 2-Methoxyethanol (EGM
109-87-5 Methylal
109-89-7 Diethylamine
109-90-0 Ethyl isocyanate
109-94-4 Ethyl formate
109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran
110-12-3 Methyl isoamyl ketone
110-19-0 Isobutyl acetate
110-43-0 Methyl n-amyl ketone
110-49-6 2-Methoxyethyl acetate (EGMEA)
110-54-3 n-Hexane
110-62-3 n-Valeraldehyde
110-80-5 2-Ethoxyethanol (EGEE)
110-82-7 Cyclohexane
110-83-8 Cyclohexene
110-85-0 Piperazine and salts
110-86-1 Pyridine
110-91-8 Morpholine
111-15-9 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate (EGEEA)
111-30-8 Glutaraldehyde
111-40-0 Diethylene triamine
111-42-2 Diethanolamine
111-44-4 Dichloroethyl ether
111-65-9 Octane
111-69-3 Adiponitrile
111-76-2 2-Butoxyethanol
111-84-2 Nonane
112-07-2 2-Butoxyethyl acetate
112-34-5 Diethylene glycol monobutyl ether
114-26-1 Propoxur
115-07-1 Propylene
115-29-7 Endosulfan
115-77-5 Pentaerythritol
115-86-6 Triphenyl phosphate
115-90-2 Fensulfothion
116-15-4 Hexafluoropropylene
117-81-7 Di-sec-octyl phthalate
118-52-5 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin
118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene
118-96-7 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT)
119-93-7 o-Tolidine
120-80-9 Catechol
120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene
121-44-8 Triethylamine
121-45-9 Trimethyl phosphite
121-69-7 N,N-Dimethylaniline
121-75-5 Malathion
121-82-4 Cyclonite
122-34-9 Simazine
122-39-4 Diphenylamine
122-60-1 Phenyl glycidyl ether (PGE)
123-19-3 Dipropyl ketone
123-31-9 Hydroquinone
123-38-6 Propionaldehyde
123-39-7 Monomethylformamide
123-42-2 Diacetone alcohol
123-51-3 Isoamyl alcohol
123-86-4 Butyl acetate
123-91-1 Dioxane
123-92-2 Pentyl acetate
124-04-9 Adipic acid
124-09-4 1,6-Diaminohexane
124-38-9 Carbon dioxide
124-40-3 Dimethylamine
126-73-8 Tributyl phosphate
126-98-7 Methylacrylonitrile
126-99-8 ß-Chloroprene
127-18-4 Perchloroethylene
127-19-5 N,N-Dimethylacetamide
127-91-3 ß-Pinene
128-37-0 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol
131-11-3 Dimethylphthalate
133-06-2 Captan
135-88-6 N-Phenyl-ß-naphthylamine
136-78-7 Sesone
137-05-3 Methyl 2-cyanoacrylate
137-26-8 Thiram7
138-22-7 n-Butyl lactate
140-11-4 Benzyl acetate
140-88-5 Ethyl acrylate
141-32-2 n-Butyl acrylate
141-43-5 2-Aminoethanol
141-66-2 Dicrotophos
141-78-6 Ethyl acetate
141-79-7 Mesityl oxide
142-82-5 Heptane
144-62-7 Oxalic acid
148-01-6 Dinitolmide
150-76-5 4-Methoxyphenol
151-56-4 Ethylene imine
151-67-7 Halothane
156-62-7 Calcium cyanamide
205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene
218-01-9 Chrysene
287-92-3 Cyclopentane
298-00-0 Methyl parathion
298-02-2 Phorate
298-04-4 Disulfoton
299-84-3 Ronnel
299-86-5 Crufomate7
300-76-5 Naled
302-01-2 Hydrazine
309-00-2 Aldrin
314-40-9 Bromacil
330-54-1 Diuron
333-41-5 Diazinon7
334-88-3 Diazomethane
353-42-4 Boron trifluoride ethers
353-50-4 Carbonyl fluoride
382-21-8 Perfluoroisobutylene
409-21-2 Silicon carbide (non fibrous)
420-04-2 Cyanamide
431-03-8 Diacetyl
460-19-5 Cyanogen
463-51-4 Ketene
463-82-1 Pentane
471-34-1 Calcium carbonate
479-45-8 Tetryl
504-29-0 2-Aminopyridine
506-68-3 Cyanogen bromide
506-77-4 Cyanogen chloride
509-14-8 Tetranitromethane
528-29-0 Dinitrobenzene
532-27-4 ∝Chloroacetophenone
534-52-1 Dinitro-ortho-cresol
540-59-0 1,2-Dichloroethylene
540-88-5 Butyl acetate
541-85-5 Ethyl amyl ketone
542-75-6 Dichloropropene (cis and trans isomers)
542-88-1 bis (Chloromethyl) ether
542-92-7 Cyclopentadiene
546-93-0 Magnesite
552-30-7 Trimellitic anhydride
556-52-5 Glycidol
557-04-0 Stearates
557-05-1 Stearates
558-13-4 Carbon tetrabromide
563-12-2 Ethion
563-80-4 Methyl isopropyl ketone
565-59-3 Heptane
583-60-8 o-Methylcyclohexanone
589-34-4 Heptane
590-35-2 Heptane
591-76-4 Heptane
591-78-6 Methyl n-butyl ketone
592-41-6 1-Hexene
593-60-2 Vinyl bromide
594-42-3 Perchloromethyl mercaptan
594-72-9 1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane
598-78-7 2-Chloropropionic acid
600-25-9 1-Chloro-1-nitropropane
603-34-9 Triphenyl amine
620-11-1 Pentyl acetate
624-41-9 Pentyl acetate
624-83-9 Methyl isocyanate
625-16-1 Pentyl acetate
626-17-5 m-Phthalodinitrile
626-38-0 Pentyl acetate
627-13-4 n-Propyl nitrate
628-63-7 Pentyl acetate
628-96-6 Ethylene glycol dinitrate
630-08-0 Carbon monoxide
638-21-1 Phenylphosphine
638-37-9 Succinaldehyde
646-06-0 1,3-Dioxolane
680-31-9 Hexamethyl phosphoramide
681-84-5 Methyl silicate
684-16-2 Hexafluoroacetone
764-41-0 1,4-Dichloro-2-butene
768-52-5 N-Isopropylaniline
822-06-0 Hexamethylene diisocyanate
822-16-2 Stearates
944-22-9 Fonofos
994-05-8 Tert-Amyl methyl ether [TAME]
999-61-1 2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate
1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide
1120-71-4 Propane sultone
1189-85-1 tert-Butyl chromate
1300-73-8 Xylidine (mixed isomers)
1302-74-5 Corundum
1303-86-2 Boron oxide
1303-96-4 Borate, inorganic compounds
1304-82-1 Bismuth telluride Undoped
1305-62-0 Calcium hydroxide
1305-78-8 Calcium oxide
1309-37-1 Iron trioxide
1309-48-4 Magnesium oxide
1309-64-4 Antimony trioxide
1310-58-3 Potassium hydroxide
1310-73-2 Sodium hydroxide
1314-13-2 Zinc, oxide
1314-62-1 Vanadium pentoxide
1314-80-3 Phosphorus pentasulfide
1317-35-7 Manganese tetroxide
1317-65-3 Limestone
1317-95-9 Silica crystalline, Quartz/Tripoli
1319-77-3 Cresol (all isomers)
1321-12-6 Nitrotoluene
1321-64-8 Pentachloronaphthalene
1321-65-9 Trichloronaphthalene
1321-74-0 Divinyl benzene
1330-20-7 Xylene
1330-43-4 Borate, inorganic compounds
1332-58-7 Kaolin
1333-74-0 Hydrogen
1333-86-4 Carbon black
1335-87-1 Hexachloronaphthalene
1335-88-2 Tetrachloronaphthalene
1338-23-4 Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
1343-98-2 Silica - Amorphous, precipitated
1344-95-2 Calcium silicate
1344-95-2 Calcium silicate (synthetic)
1395-21-7 Subtilisin
1477-55-0 m-Xylene-∝,∝ ’-diamine
1563-66-2 Carbofuran
1569-02-4 Propylene glycol ethyl ether
1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether
1912-24-9 Atrazine
1918-02-1 Picloram
1929-82-4 Nitrapyrin
2039-87-4 o-Chlorostyrene
2104-64-5 EPN
2179-59-1 Allyl propyl disulfide
2234-13-1 Octachloronaphthalene
2238-07-5 Diglycidyl ether (DGE)
2425-06-1 Captafol
2426-08-6 n-Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE)
2451-62-9 Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (mixed isomers)
2528-36-1 Dibutyl phenyl phosphate
2551-62-4 Sulfur hexafluoride
2698-41-1 o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile
2699-79-8 Sulfuryl fluoride
2764-72-9 Diquat
2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos
2971-90-6 Clopidol
3333-52-6 Tetramethyl succinonitrile
3383-96-8 Temephos
3425-89-6 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
3687-31-8 Lead arsenate
3689-24-5 Sulfotep
3825-26-1 Ammonium perfluorooctanoate
4016-14-2 Isopropyl glycidyl ether (IGE)
4098-71-9 Isophorone diisocyanate
4170-30-3 Crotonaldehyde
4685-14-7 Paraquat
4685-14-7 Paraquat, respirable particulates
5124-30-1 Methylene bis (4-cyclohexylisocyanate)
5333-84-6 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
5714-22-7 Sulfur pentafluoride
6385-62-2 Diquat
6423-43-4 Propylene glycol dinitrate
6923-22-4 Monocrotophos
7085-85-0 Ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate
7429-90-5 Aluminum
7439-92-1 Lead
7439-96-5 Manganese
7439-96-5 Manganese – Fumes, dust and compounds (as Mn) (inhalable)
7439-96-5 Manganese – Fumes, dust and compounds (as Mn) (respirable)
7439-97-6 Mercury
7439-98-7 Molybdenum
7440-01-9 Neon
7440-02-0 Nickel
7440-06-4 Platinum
7440-16-6 Rhodium
7440-21-3 Silicon
7440-22-4 Silver
7440-25-7 Tantalum
7440-28-0 Thallium
7440-31-5 Tin
7440-33-7 Tungsten
7440-36-0 Antimony
7440-37-1 Argon
7440-38-2 Arsenic
7440-39-3 Barium
7440-41-7 Beryllium
7440-43-9 Cadmium
7440-47-3 Chromium
7440-48-4 Cobalt
7440-50-8 Copper
7440-58-6 Hafnium
7440-59-7 Helium
7440-61-1 Uranium
7440-65-5 Yttrium
7440-67-7 Zirconium
7440-74-6 Indium
7446-09-5 Sulfur dioxide
7550-45-0 Titanium tetrachloride
7553-56-2 Iodine
7572-29-4 Dichloroacetylene
7580-67-8 Lithium hydride
7616-94-6 Perchloryl fluoride
7631-90-5 Sodium bisulfite
7637-07-2 Boron trifluoride
7646-85-7 Zinc chloride
7647-01-0 Hydrogen chloride
7664-38-2 Phosphoric acid
7664-39-3 Hydrogen fluoride
7664-41-7 Ammonia
7664-93-9 Sulfuric acid
7681-57-4 Sodium metabisulfite
7697-37-2 Nitric acid
7719-09-7 Thionyl chloride
7719-12-2 Phosphorus trichloride
7722-84-1 Hydrogen peroxide
7722-88-5 Tetrasodium pyrophosphate
7726-95-6 Bromine
7727-37-9 Nitrogen
7727-43-7 Barium sulfate
7758-97-6 Lead chromate
7773-06-0 Ammonium sulfamate
7778-18-9 Calcium sulfate
7782-41-4 Fluorine
7782-42-5 Graphite (all forms except fibres)
7782-49-2 Selenium
7782-50-5 Chlorine
7782-65-2 Germanium tetrahydride
7783-06-4 Hydrogen sulfide
7783-07-5 Hydrogen selenide
7783-41-7 Oxygen difluoride
7783-54-2 Nitrogen trifluoride
7783-60-0 Sulfur tetrafluoride
7783-79-1 Selenium hexafluoride
7783-80-4 Tellurium hexafluoride
7784-42-1 Arsine
7786-34-7 Phosdrin
7789-06-2 Strontium chromate
7789-30-2 Bromine pentafluoride
7790-91-2 Chlorine trifluoride
7803-51-2 Phosphine
7803-52-3 Stibine
7803-62-5 Silicon tetrahydride
8001-35-2 Chlorinated camphene
8002-74-2 Paraffin wax
8003-34-7 Pyrethrum
8006-61-9 Gasoline
8006-64-2 Turpentine
8008-20-6 Kerosene
8022-00-2 Methyl demeton
8029-10-5 Coal dust
8030-30-6 Rubber solvent (Naphtha)
8032-32-4 VM&P Naphtha
8050-09-7 Resin acids
8050-09-7 Rosin
8052-41-3 Stoddard solvent
8052-42-4 Asphalt (petroleum)
8065-48-3 Demeton7
9002-84-0 Polytetrafluoroethylene
9004-34-6 Cellulose (paper fibres)
9005-25-8 Starch
9014-01-1 Subtilisin
10024-97-2 Nitrous oxide
10025-67-9 Sulfur monochloride
10025-87-3 Phosphorus oxychloride
10026-13-8 Phosphorus pentachloride
10028-15-6 Ozone
10034-76-1 Calcium sulfate
10035-10-6 Hydrogen bromide
10043-35-3 Borate, inorganic compounds
10049-04-4 Chlorine dioxide
10101-41-4 Calcium sulfate
10102-43-9 Nitrogen monoxide
10102-44-0 Nitrogen dioxide
10210-68-1 Cobalt tetracarbonyl
10294-33-4 Boron tribromide
10294-34-5 Boron trichloride
11070-44-3 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
11097-69-1 Chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine)
11103-86-9 Zinc chromates
12001-26-2 Mica
12001-28-4 Asbestos Crocidolite
12001-29-5 Asbestos Chrysotile
12035-72-2 Nickel subsulfide
12079-65-1 Manganese cyclopentadienyl tricarbonyl
12108-13-3 Manganese methyl cyclopentadienyl
12125-02-9 Ammonium chloride
12172-67-7 Asbestos Actinolite
12172-73-5 Asbestos Amosite
12174-11-7 Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres Attapulgite
12179-04-3 Borate, inorganic compounds
12185-10-3 Phosphorus (yellow)
12415-34-8 Emery
12604-58-9 Ferrovanadium (dust)
13071-79-9 Terbufos
13121-70-5 Cyhexatin
13397-24-5 Calcium sulfate
13463-39-3 Nickel carbonyl
13463-40-6 Iron pentacarbonyl
13463-67-7 Titanium dioxide
13466-78-9 ∆-3 Carene
13494-80-9 Tellurium
13530-65-9 Zinc chromates
13765-19-0 Calcium chromate
13838-16-9 Enflurane
13983-17-0 Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres Wollastonite
14464-46-1 Silica - Crystalline, Cristobalite
14484-64-1 Ferbam
14567-73-8 Asbestos Tremolite
14807-96-6 Talc, non fibrous
14808-60-7 Silica crystalline, Quartz/Tripoli
14977-61-8 Chromyl chloride
15972-60-8 Alachlore
16219-75-3 Ethylidene norbornene
16752-77-5 Methomyl
16842-03-8 Cobalt hydrocarbonyl
17068-78-9 Asbestos Anthophyllite
17702-41-9 Decaborane
17804-35-2 Benomyl
19287-45-7 Diborane
19438-63-2 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
19438-64-3 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
19624-22-7 Pentaborane
20816-12-0 Osmium tetroxide
21087-64-9 Metribuzin
21351-79-1 Cesium hydroxide
21725-46-2 Cyanazine
22224-92-6 Fenamiphos
22781-23-3 Bendiocarb
25013-15-4 Vinyl toluene
25154-54-5 Dinitrobenzene
25321-14-6 Dinitrotoluene
25551-13-7 Trimethyl benzene
25639-42-3 Methylcyclohexanol
26140-60-3 Terphenyls
26471-62-5 Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) (isomers mixture)
26590-20-5 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
26628-22-8 Sodium azide
26952-21-6 Isooctyl alcohol
31242-93-0 Chlorinated diphenyl oxide
34590-94-8 Dipropylene glycol monomethyl ether
35400-43-2 Sulprofos
37300-23-5 Zinc chromates
42498-58-8 Methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (isomers)
50926-11-9 Indium tin oxide
51235-04-2 Hexazinone
53469-21-9 Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine)
53570-85-7 Coal dust (less than 5% crystalline silica)
55720-99-5 Chlorinated diphenyl oxide
59355-75-8 Methyl acetylene-propadiene mixture (MAPP)
59653-73-5 Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (alpha-)
59653-74-6 Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) (beta-)
60676-86-0 Amorphous silica, fused
61788-32-7 Hydrogenated terphenyls
61790-53-2 Silica - Amorphous, Diatomaceous earth
63231-67-4 Silica - Amorphous, gel
64742-81-0 Kerosene
65996-93-2 Coal tar pitch volatiles, as benzene solubles
65997-15-1 Portland cement
66733-21-9 Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres Erionite
68334-30-5 Diesel
68476-30-2 Diesel
68476-31-3 Diesel
68476-34-6 Diesel
68476-85-7 L.P.G. (Liquified petroleum gas)
68956-68-3 Vegetable oil
69012-64-2 Silica - Amorphous, fumes
74222-97-2 Sulfometuron methyl
77536-67-5 Anthophyllite asbestos
77650-28-3 Diesel
83969-76-0 Perlite
112926-00-8 Silica - Amorphous, gel
308062-82-0 Coal dust
O.C. 885-2001, Sch. I; O.C. 1120-2006, ss. 11 and 12; O.C. 915-2011, ss. 2 and 3; O.C. 1079-2012, s. 1; O.C. 159-2020, s. 1; O.C. 159-2020, s. 2; O.C. 644-2022, ss. 2 and 3; O.C. 280-2024, s. 2; O.C. 644-2022, s. 4.
(ss. 41, 42, 43, 66, 108 and 302)
This Schedule must be read in accordance with the following notations and definitions:
(1) CARCINOGENS: The designations under “carcinogen” in the Designation and remarks column refer to the following:
C1: carcinogenic effect detected in humans
C2: carcinogenic effect suspected in humans
C3: carcinogenic effect detected in animals. Results of studies relating to the carcinogenocity of these substances in animals are not necessarily applicable to humans.
(2) CAS: Number given by the Chemical Abstracts Service, a division of the American Chemical Society, for the identification of a substance (see part 4).
(3) C: CEILING: The designation “C” in the STEV/Ceiling column refers to a concentration never be exceeded during any length of time whatsoever.
(4) EM: A substance to which exposure must be reduced to a minimum in accordance with section 42.
(4.1) EX: a substance that is flammable and exposure to the permissible exposure value level involves a risk of exceeding 10% of the lower explosion limit.
(5) EXCURSION LIMITS: These limits apply to substances which do not have a short-term exposure value. Provided the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded, excursions in exposure levels may exceed 3 times that value for a cumulative period not exceeding a total of 30 minutes during a workday. Notwithstanding the foregoing, none of those excursions in exposure levels may exceed 5 times the time-weighted average exposure value during any length of time whatsoever.
(5.1) IFV: inhalable fraction and vapour.
(5.2) J: excluding stearates of toxic metals.
(6) mg/m3: milligram per cubic meter (milligram of substance per cubic meter of air).
(7) Pc: SKIN (percutaneous): The designation “Pc” in the Designation and remarks column refers to the potentially significant contribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route. Exposure is by contact with vapours or, of probable greater significance, by direct skin contact with the substance. The cutaneous route includes mucous membranes and the eyes.
(8) ppm: part per million (parts of gas or vapour per million parts of airborn contaminants per volume measured at 25 °C and 101.3 kPa).
(9) Rd: Respirable dust.
(9.1) Pi: inhalable aerosol fraction.
(10) RESPIRABLE FIBRES (other than respirable asbestos fibres): Objects, other than respirable asbestos fibres, longer than 5 µm, having a diameter of less than 3 µm and a ratio of length to diameter of more than 3 :1.
(11) Pr: respirable aerosol fraction.
(12) TPM: total particulate matter.
(12.1) Pthor: thoracic aerosol fraction.
(13) SIMPLE ASPHYXIANT: A physiologically inert gas which acts primarily by displacing airborne oxygen and that can cause a decrease in the percentage in volume of airborne oxygen below the 19.5% provided for in section 40 and required to maintain blood oxygen saturation.
(14) STEV: SHORT-TERM EXPOSURE VALUE: The 15-minute time-weighted average concentration for exposure to a chemical substance (in the form of gases, dusts, fumes, vapours or mists), present in the air in a worker’s respiratory zone which should not be exceeded at any time during a workday, even if the time-weighted average exposure value is not exceeded.
The average exposure for a 15-minute consecutive period may be include between the TWAEV and the STEV, insofar as such exposures are not repeated more than 4 times a day and have intervals between them of periods of at least 60 minutes.
(14.1) S(D): a substance causing dermal sensitization.
(14.2) S(R): a substance causing respiratory sensitization.
(14.3) OTO: OTOTOXIC: the “OTO” notation in the Designation and remarks column indicates that repeated exposure to the substance may cause hearing impairment alone or in combination with noise, even below 85 dBA.
(15) Td: Total dust.
(15.1) Thord: thoracic dust.
(16) TWAEV: TIME-WEIGHTED AVERAGE EXPOSURE VALUE: The time-weighted average concentration for an 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek of a chemical substance (in the form of gases, dusts, fumes, vapours or mists) present in the air in a worker’s respiratory zone.
For any work period equal to or longer than 4 hours but less than 8 hours or a period in excess of 8 hours but less than or equal to 16 hours, an adjusted average exposure value (AAEV) must be established in accordance with the Guide to the adjustment of permissible exposure values for unusual work schedules, published by the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail. Under no circumstance may the AAEV be higher than the TWAEV.
Note 1: The standard corresponds to dust containing no asbestos and the percentage in crystalline silica is less than 1%.
Note 2a: Permissible asbestos exposure values in number of respirable fibres per cm3.
Note 2b: Permissible recirculation concentration of asbestos respirable dust: 0.1 mg/m3.
Note 3: Where the use of these products is permitted.
Note 4: Permissible exposure values in number of respirable fibres per cm3.
Part 1
   TWAEVSTEV/CeilingDesignation and remarks
Abate See Temephos  
Acetaldehyde[75-07-0]  C25C45C3,RP
Acetamide[60-35-5]1   C3,IFV
Acetic acid[64-19-7]10251537 
Acetic anhydride[108-24-7]1 3  
Acetone[67-64-1]250 500  
Acetone cyanohydrin (as CN)[75-86-5]  C4.7C5Pc,RP
Acetonitrile[75-05-8]20   Pc
Acetylene[74-86-2]Simple asphyxiant  
Acetylene dichloride See 1,2-Dichloroethylene  
Acetylene tetrabromide See 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane  
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)[50-78-2] 5   
Acrylamide[79-06-1] 0.03  Pc,C2,EM
Acrylic acid[79-10-7]25.9  Pc
Acrylonitrile[107-13-1]24.3  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Actinolite See Asbestos  
Adipic acid[124-04-9] 5   
Adiponitrile[111-69-3]28.8  Pc
Alachlore[15972-60-8] 1  C3,S(D),IVF
Aldrin[309-00-2] 0.25  Pc
Allyl alcohol[107-18-6]0.5   Pc
Allyl chloride See 3-Chloropropene  
Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE)[106-92-3]1    
Allyl methacrylate[96-05-9]1   Pc
Allyl propyl disulfide[2179-59-1]0.5   S(D)
Aluminum and its compounds  5  Rd
4-Aminodiphenyl[92-67-1]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C1,RP,EM
3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole See Amitrole  
Amitrole[61-82-5] 0.2  C3,RP
Ammonium chloride fume[12125-02-9] 10 20 
Ammonium perfluorooctanoate[3825-26-1] 0.01  C3,Pc
Ammonium sulfamate[7773-06-0] 10   
Amosite See Asbestos  
Aniline[62-53-3]27.6  Pc
o-Anisidine[90-04-0]0.10.5  Pc,C3
p-Anisidine[104-94-9]0.10.5  Pc
Anthophyllite See Asbestos  
Antimony [7440-36-0], metal and compounds (as Sb)  0.5   
Antimony trioxide (as Sb)[1309-64-4] 0.5  C3
Antimony trioxide, production
(as Sb)
 Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
ANTU (α-Naphthylthiourea)[86-88-4] 0.3   
Argon[7440-37-1]Simple asphyxiant  
Arsenic, elemental [7440-38-2], and inorganic compounds (except Arsine), (as As)  0.01  C1,RP,EM
Asbestos – All forms (note 2a) (note 2b)[1332-21-4] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Actinolite[12172-67-7] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Amosite (note 3)[12172-73-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Anthophyllite[77536-67-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Chrysotile[12001-29-5] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Crocidolite (note 3)[12001-28-4] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
 Tremolite[14567-73-8] 0.1 fibre/cm3  C1,EM
Asphalt (petroleum) fumes[8052-42-4] 5   
Aspirin See Acetylsalicylic acid  
Atrazine[1912-24-9] 5   
Attapulgite See Fibres-Natural Mineral Fibres  
Azinphos-methyl[86-50-0] 0.2  Pc,S(D),IVF
Barium [7440-39-3], soluble compounds (as Ba)  0.5   
Barium sulfate[7727-43-7] 5  Id, note 1
Bendiocarb[22781-23-3] 0.1  Pc
Benomyl[17804-35-2] 1  C3,S(D),Id
Benz(a)anthracene[56-55-3]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,EM
Benzene[71-43-2]0.5 2.5 C1,RP,EM,Pc
Benzene (trichloromethyl)[98-07-7]  P0.1 C2,Pc,RP,EM
Benzidine (production)[92-87-5]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C1,RP,EM
Benzo(a)pyrene[50-32-8] 0.005  C2,RP,EM
Benzo(b)fluoranthene[205-99-2]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,EM
Benzoyl peroxide[94-36-0] 5   
Benzyl acetate[140-11-4]10    
Benzyl chloride[100-44-7]1   C3
Beryllium [7440-41-7], metal and compounds (as Be)  0.00015  C1,RP,EM,S
Bismuth telluride (as Bi2Te3)      
 Se-doped  5   
 Undoped[1304-82-1] 10   
Bitumen See Asphalt fumes  
Borate, inorganic compounds, (including boric acid)[1330-43-4]     
 [12179-04-3] 2 6Id
Borax See Sodium tetraborate, decahydrate 
Boron oxide[1303-86-2] 10   
Boron tribromide[10294-33-4]  C0.7 RP
Boron trichloride[10294-34-5]  C0.7 RP
Boron trifluoride[7637-07-2]0.1 C0.7 RP
Boron trifluoride ethers[109-63-7];0.1 P0.7  
Bromacil[314-40-9] 10  C3
Bromine pentafluoride[7789-30-2]0.10.72   
Bromochloromethane See Chlorobromethane  
2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane See Halothane  
Bromoethane See Ethyl bromide  
Bromoethylene See Vinyl bromide  
Bromoform[75-25-2]0.5   C3
Bromomethane See Methyl bromide  
1,3-Butadiene[106-99-0]24.4  C2,EM
Butanethiol See Butyl mercaptan  
2-Butanone See Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)  
2-Butoxyethanol[111-76-2]20   C3
2-Butoxyethyl acetate[112-07-2]20   C3
Butyl acetate (all isomers)[105-46-4]     
  [540-88-5]50 150  
n-Butyl acrylate[141-32-2]2   S(D)
n-Butyl alcohol[71-36-3]20    
sec-Butyl alcohol[78-92-2]100303   
tert-Butyl alcohol[75-65-0]100303   
Butyl cellosolve® See 2-Butoxyethanol  
tert-Butyl chromate (as CrO3)[1189-85-1]   C0.1Pc, RP
n-Butyl glycidyl ether (BGE)[2426-08-6]3   Pc, S(D)
tert-Butyl hydroperoxide[75-91-2]0.1   Pc
n-Butyl lactate[138-22-7]530   
Butyl mercaptan[109-79-5]0.51.8   
n-Butylamine[109-73-9]  C5C15Pc, RP
o-sec-Butylphenol[89-72-5]531  Pc
Cadmium elemental and compounds (as Cd)[7440-43-9] 0.01  C2, RP, EM
Calcium carbonate[471-34-1] 10  Td
Calcium carbonate[1317-65-3] 10  Td, note 1
Calcium cyanamide[156-62-7] 0.5   
Calcium hydroxide[1305-62-0] 5   
Calcium oxide[1305-78-8] 2   
Calcium silicate[1344-95-2] 1  Pi,Note 1
Calcium sulfate[7778-18-9]     
  [10101-41-4] 10  Id, note 1
Camphor (synthetic)[76-22-2]212319 
Caprolactam[105-60-2] 5  IFV
Captafol[2425-06-1] 0.1  Pc
Captan[133-06-2] 5   
Carbaryl[63-25-2] 5   
Carbofuran[1563-66-2] 0.1  IVF
Carbon black[1333-86-4] 3  C3 Id
Carbon dioxide[124-38-9]500090003000054000 
Carbon disulfide[75-15-0]1   Pc
Carbon monoxide[630-08-0]35 175  
Carbon tetrabromide[558-13-4] 
Carbon tetrachloride[56-23-5]5311063Pc,C2,EM
Carbon, fibres See Fibres-Organic Synthetic Fibres 
Carbonyl chloride See Phosgene  
Carbonyl fluoride[353-50-4]25.4513 
Catechol[120-80-9]5   C3,Pc
Cellosolve® acetate See 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate  
Cellulose (paper fibres)[9004-34-6] 10  Td, note 1
Ceramic (fibres) See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Cesium hydroxide[21351-79-1] 2   
Chlordane[57-74-9] 0.5  Pc,C3,IFV
Chlorinated camphene[8001-35-2] 0.5 1Pc,C3
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide[31242-93-0] 0.5   
Chlorinated diphenyl oxide[55720-99-5] 0.5   
Chlorine[7782-50-5]  P0.5  
Chlorine dioxide[10049-04-4]  P0.1  
Chlorine trifluoride[7790-91-2]  C0.1C0.38RP
2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine See Nitrapyrin  
Chloroacetaldehyde[107-20-0]  C1C3.2RP
Chloroacetone[78-95-5]  C1C3.8Pc,RP
Chloroacetyl chloride[79-04-9]
Chlorobenzene[108-90-7]10   C3
o-Chlorobenzylidene malononitrile[2698-41-1]  C0.05 Pc,S,RP
2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene See ß-Chloroprene  
Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine)[53469-21-9] 1  Pc,C2,EM
Chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine)[11097-69-1] 0.5  Pc,C2,EM
1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane See Epichlorohydrin  
Chloroethane See Ethyl chloride  
2-Chloroethanol See Ethylene chlorohydrin  
bis (Chloroethyl) ether See Dichloroethyl ether  
Chloroethylene See Vinyl chloride (monomer)  
Chloroform[67-66-3]524.4  C2,RP,EM
Chloromethane See Methyl chloride  
Chloromethyl methyl ether[107-30-2]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC1,RP,EM
bis (Chloromethyl) ether[542-88-1]0.0010.0047  C1,RP,EM
p-Chloronitrobenzene See p-Nitrochlorobenzene  
ß-Chloroprene[126-99-8]1   Pc,C2,RP,EM
2-Chloropropionic acid[598-78-7]0.10.44  Pc
Chlorpyrifos[2921-88-2] 0.2  Pc
Chromium (metal)[7440-47-3] 0.5  Pi
Chromium III compounds (as Cr)  0.5   
Chromium VI, water insoluble inorganic compounds (as Cr)  0.001  C1,RP,EM
Chromium VI, water soluble inorganic compounds (as Cr)  0.05  C1,RP,EM,S
Chromyl chloride (as Cr)[14977-61-8]0.0001 0.00025 Pc,C1,RP,EM,S(D),S(R),IFV
Chrysene[218-01-9]Without applicable permissible exposure valueC2,RP,EM
Chrysotile See Asbestos  
Clopidol[2971-90-6] 3  IFV
Coal dust[8029-10-5]; 0.9  Pr
Coal tar pitch volatiles,
as benzene solubles
[65996-93-2] 0.2  C1,RP,EM
Cobalt hydrocarbonyl (as Co)[16842-03-8] 0.1   
Cobalt tetracarbonyl (as Co)[10210-68-1] 0.1   
Cobalt, elemental and inorganic compounds (as Co)[7440-48-4] 0.02  Pi,C3,S(D),S(R)
Continuous filament fibres
(fibrous glass)
 See Fibres-Artificial Vitreous Mineral Fibres 
Copper [7440-50-8], fume
(as Cu)
Copper [7440-50-8],
dusts & mists (as Cu)
Cotton dust  0.1  Thord
Coyden® See Clopidol  
Crag® See Sesone  
Cresol (all isomers)[1319-77-3]     
  [106-44-5] 20  Pc,IFV
Cristobalite See Silica  
Crocidolite See Asbestos  
Crotonaldehyde[4170-30-3]  C0.3 C3,Pc
Crufomate®[299-86-5] 5   
Cumene[98-82-8]5   C3
Cyanamide[420-04-2] 2   
Cyanazine[21725-46-2] 0.1  Pi,C3
Cyanides (as CN)[143-33-9];   P5Pc
Cyanogen[460-19-5]  C5  
Cyanogen bromide[506-68-3]  C0.3  
Cyanogen chloride[506-77-4]  C0.3C0.75RP
Cyclohexanol[108-93-0]50206  Pc
Cyclohexanone[108-94-1]20 50 Pc,C3
Cyclonite[121-82-4] 0.5  Pc
Cyhexatin[13121-70-5] 5   
2,4-D[94-75-7] 10  C2,EM
DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)[50-29-3] 1  C3
Demeton®[8065-48-3]0.010.11  Pc
Di-sec-octyl phthalate[117-81-7] 5 10C3
2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol[128-37-0] 2  IFV
Diacetone alcohol[123-42-2]50238   
Diacetyl[431-03-8]0.01 0.02  
4,4’-Diaminodiphenylmethane See 4,4’-Methylene dianiline  
1,2-Diaminoethane See Ethylenediamine  
Diatomaceous earth See Silica  
Diazinon®[333-41-5] 0.1  Pc
Diazomethane[334-88-3]0.2   C2,RP,EM
Dibromodifluoromethane See Diflurodibromomethane  
1,2-Dibromoethane[106-93-4]20155  Pc,C2,RP,EM
Dibrom® See Naled  
Dibutyl phenyl phosphate[2528-36-1]0.33.5  Pc
Dibutyl phosphate[107-66-4] 5  Pc,IFV
Dibutyl phthalate[84-74-2] 5   
2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol[102-81-8]0.5   Pc
3,3’-Dichloro-4,4’-diamino-diphenylmethane See 4,4’-Methylene bis (2-chloroaniline) 
1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin[118-52-5] 0.2 0.4 
Dichloroacetylene[7572-29-4]  C0.1 C3,RP
o-Dichlorobenzene[95-50-1]25 50  
p-Dichlorobenzene[106-46-7]10   C3
3,3’-Dichlorobenzidine[91-94-1]Without applicable permissible exposure valuePc,C2,RP,EM
1,4-Dichloro-2-butene[764-41-0]0.0050.025  Pc,C2,EM
3,5-Dichloro-2,6-dimethyl-4 pyridinol See Clopidol  
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane See DDT  
Dichloroethyl ether[111-44-4]5291058Pc
Dichloromethane See Methylene chloride  
(2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid See 2.4-D  
1,2-Dichloropropane[78-87-5]10   S(D)
(cis and trans isomers)
[542-75-6]14.5  Pc,C3
2,2-Dichloropropionic acid[75-99-0] 5  Id
Dichlorvos[62-73-7]0.10.9  Pc
Dicrotophos[141-66-2] 0.25  Pc
4,4’-Dicyclohexyl methane diisocyanate See Methylene bis (4-cyclohexylisocyanate)