S-4.1.1, r. 2 - Educational Childcare Regulation

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121.6. The educational childcare provider must ensure that no insect repellent is kept or administered to a child receiving childcare except in accordance with a written authorization signed by the parent and only if the insect repellent is covered by a protocol established in accordance with section 108.0.1 of the Act.
The educational childcare provider must ensure that the insect repellent is clearly labelled, kept in its original container, and stored in a storage space out of the reach of children and away from food, medication and natural products. The permit holder must keep the storage space locked.
O.C. 1314-2013, s. 62; S.Q. 2024, c. 6, s. 51.
121.6. The educational childcare provider must ensure that no insect repellent is kept or administered to a child receiving childcare except in accordance with the protocol in Schedule II, duly signed by the parent.
The educational childcare provider must ensure that the insect repellent is clearly labelled, kept in its original container, and stored in a storage space out of the reach of children and away from food and medication. The permit holder must keep the storage space locked.
O.C. 1314-2013, s. 62.
121.6. The childcare provider must ensure that no insect repellent is kept or administered to a child receiving childcare except in accordance with the protocol in Schedule II, duly signed by the parent.
The childcare provider must ensure that the insect repellent is clearly labelled, kept in its original container, and stored in a storage space out of the reach of children and away from food and medication. The permit holder must keep the storage space locked.
O.C. 1314-2013, s. 62.