72. Certificate of eligibility: The director general shall sign the certificate of eligibility for legal aid and shall issue it in duplicate. It shall contain the following information:(a) the name of the centre or office issuing it;
(b) the name and address of the recipient or recipients;
(b.1) an indication that the recipient is eligible for free legal aid or for contributory legal aid and, in the latter case, an indication of the maximum contribution payable, less the administrative costs paid by the recipient in accordance with the Regulation respecting legal aid (chapter A-14, r. 2), and an indication of the recipient’s right to apply for a review of the amount of the contribution, unless the certificate is issued for the legal services described in paragraph 1.1 of section 4.7 of the Act, in which case only the fees referred to in section 5.1 of the Act are indicated;
(c) the date of acceptance of the application;
(d) the name of the advocate or notary delegated to the proceeding;
(e) the period for which it was issued;
(f) the nature of the proceeding for which aid was granted; and
(g) the urgent, and where applicable, conditional nature of the certificate.