J-1.01.1 - Act to proclaim the National Day for the Promotion of Positive Mental Health

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Updated to 1 May 2024
This document has official status.
chapter J-1.01.1
Act to proclaim the National Day for the Promotion of Positive Mental Health
AS mental health, that is, a person’s psychological and emotional well-being, is an essential component of one’s life and general state of health;
AS there is a lack of awareness of the differences between mental health and mental illness;
AS positive mental health is not limited to the absence of mental illness and as, when it is weakened, it can lead to physical or psychological disorders;
AS the promotion of positive mental health aims to increase or maintain individual and collective well-being, foster resilience and prevent the emergence of mental health problems, physical health problems and social problems;
AS the National Assembly recognizes the role the State must play in promoting positive mental health as well as Quebecers’ desire to ensure progress in that area for all those who make up Québec society;
AS the promotion of positive mental health confers on everyone, be it individually or collectively, the duty to make a contribution to Québec society in the area of mental health;
AS the World Health Organization considers that there can be no health without mental health;
AS 13 March 2020, date of coming into force of the declaration of a public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, marks a pivotal moment in the Québec collective mind and a turning point in raising awareness about the importance of positive mental health;
AS it is expedient to create a National Day for the Promotion of Positive Mental Health to promote, increase and maintain individual and collective well-being for generations to come;
1. The thirteenth of March is proclaimed National Day for the Promotion of Positive Mental Health.
2022, c. 7, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
2022, c. 7, s. 2.