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C-61.1, r. 73.1
- Ministerial Order concerning the establishment of controlled zones
Table of contents
Enabling statute
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
Full text
Updated to 1 November 2024
This document has official status.
C-61.1, r. 73.1
Ministerial Order concerning the establishment of controlled zones
Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife
(chapter C-61.1, s. 104)
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 1 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name des Anses Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 2 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Anse-Saint-Jean Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 3 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Baillargeon Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 4 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Bas-Saint-Laurent Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 5 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Batiscan-Neilson Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 6 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Bessonne Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 7 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Borgia Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 8 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Boullé Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 9 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Bras-Coupé-Désert Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 10 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Buteux–Bas-Saguenay Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 11 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Cap-Chat Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 12 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Capitachouane Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 13 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Casault Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 14 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Chapais Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 15 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Chapeau-de-Paille Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 16 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Chauvin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 17 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Collin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 18 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Croche Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 19 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name D’Iberville Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 20 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Dumoine Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 21 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Festubert Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 22 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Forestville Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 23 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Frémont Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 24 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Grande-Rivière Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 25 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Gros-Brochet Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 26 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Jaro Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 27 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Jeannotte Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 28 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Kipawa Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 29 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Kiskissink Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 30 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Labrieville Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 31 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lac-au-Sable Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 32 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lac-Brébeuf Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 33 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lac-de-la-Boiteuse Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 34 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lavigne Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 35 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lesueur Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 36 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Lièvre Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 37 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Louise-Gosford Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 38 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Maganasipi Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 39 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Maison-de-Pierre Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 40 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Mars-Moulin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 41 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Martin-Valin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 42 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name des Martres Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 43 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Matimek Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 44 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Mazana Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 45 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Menokeosawin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 46 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Mitchinamecus Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 47 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Nordique Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 48 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Normandie Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 49 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name des Nymphes Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 50 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Oie-Blanche-de-Montmagny Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 51 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Onatchiway Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 52 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Owen Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 53 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Pabok Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 54 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name des Passes Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 55 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Petawaga Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 56 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Petite-Rivière-Cascapédia Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 57 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Pontiac Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 58 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rapides-des-Joachims Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 59 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Restigo Controlled Zone
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 60 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-à-Mars Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 61 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 62 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 63 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Bonaventure Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 64 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Cap-Chat Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 65 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Dartmouth Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 66 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-de-la-Trinité Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 67 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-des-Escoumins Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 68 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Jacques-Cartier Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 69 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Laval Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 70 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Madeleine Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 71 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Matane Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 72 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Mitis Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 73 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Moisie Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 74 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 75 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Petit-Saguenay Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 76 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Rimouski Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 77 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Sainte-Marguerite Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 78 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-Saint-Jean-du-Saguenay Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 79 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivière-York Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 80 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Rivières-Godbout-et-Mistassini Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 81 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Saint-Patrice Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 82 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Saint-Romain Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 83 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Tawachiche Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 84 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Trinité Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 85 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Varin Controlled Zone;
The territory, the plan of which appears in Schedule 86 to this Order, is established as a controlled zone under the name Wessonneau Controlled Zone.
M.O. 2022-1001
This Order replaces the Zones d’exploitation contrôlée (
chapter C-61.1, r. 74.1
), the Order in Council respecting certain controlled zones for the development, harvesting or conservation of wildlife (
chapter C-61.1, r. 75
), the Order in Council respecting certain controlled zones for the development, harvesting or conservation of Atlantic salmon (
chapter C-61.1, r. 76
), the Regulation respecting the Anse-Saint-Jean Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 80
), the Ministerial Order respecting the des Anses Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 81
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Baillargeon Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 82
), the Ministerial Order concerning the Bas-Saint-Laurent Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 83.1
), the Regulation respecting the Batiscan-Neilson Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 84
), the Regulation respecting the Borgia Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 85
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Buteux–Bas-Saguenay Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 86
), the Order in Council respecting the Cap-Chat Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 87
), the Regulation respecting the Casault Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 88
), the Regulation respecting the Chapais Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 89
), the Order in Council respecting the Chauvin Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 90
), the Regulation respecting the Croche Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 91
), the Regulation respecting the D’Iberville Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 92
), the Regulation respecting the Forestville Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 93
), the Order in Council respecting the Frémont Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 94
), the Order in Council respecting the Gros-Brochet Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 95
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Jaro Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 96
), the Order in Council respecting the Kiskissink Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 97
), the Order in Council respecting the Labrieville Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 98
), the Arrêté ministériel concernant la zone d’exploitation contrôlée Lac-Brébeuf (
chapter C-61.1, r. 100.1
), the Regulation respecting the Lac-de-la-Boiteuse Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 101
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Lavigne Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 102
), the Regulation respecting the Lesueur Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 103
), the Order in Council respecting the Lièvre Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 104
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Louise-Gosford Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 105.1
), the Regulation respecting the Maganasipi Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 106
), the Regulation respecting the Martin-Valin Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 108
), the Order in Council respecting des Martres Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 109
), the Regulation respecting the Matimek Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 110
), the Order in Council respecting the Menokeosawin Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 111
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Nordique Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 112
), the Ministerial Order respecting the des Nymphes Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 113
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Oie-Blanche-de-Montmagny Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 114
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Onatchiway Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 115
), the Regulation respecting the Owen Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 116
), the Order in Council respecting the Pabok Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 117
), the Ministerial Order respecting the des Passes Controlled (
chapter C-61.1, r. 118
), the Regulation respecting the Petawaga Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 119
), the Regulation respecting the Pontiac Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 120
), the Order in Council respecting the Rivière-à-Mars Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 121
), the Regulation respecting the Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 122
), the Order in Council respecting the Rivière-Cap-Chat Controlled Zone, the Rivière-Matane Controlled Zone, the Rivière-Madeleine Controlled Zone and the Petite-Rivière-Cascapédia Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 124
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Rivière-des-Escoumins Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 125
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Rivière-Jacques-Cartier Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 126
), the Order in Council respecting Rivière-Mitis Controlled Zone and the Rivière-Rimouski Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 127
), the Order in Council respecting the Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 128
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Rivière-Petit-Saguenay Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 129
), the Arrêté ministériel concernant la zone d’exploitation contrôlée de la Rivière-Saint-Jean-du-Saguenay (
chapter C-61.1, r. 130.1
), the Regulation respecting the Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 123
), the Regulation respecting the Saint-Patrice Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 131
), the Ministerial Order respecting the Saint-Romain Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 132
), the Regulation respecting the Tawachiche Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 133
), the Regulation respecting the Varin Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 134
) and the Order in Council respecting the Wessonneau Controlled Zone (
chapter C-61.1, r. 135
M.O. 2022-1001
M.O. 2022-1001
Schedule 1
des Anses Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 1
Schedule 2
Anse-Saint-Jean Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 2
Schedule 3
Baillargeon Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 3
Schedule 4
Bas-Saint-Laurent Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 4
Schedule 5
Batiscan-Neilson Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 5
Schedule 6
Bessonne Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 6
Schedule 7
Borgia Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 7
Schedule 8
Boullé Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 8
Schedule 9
Bras-Coupé-Désert Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 9
Schedule 10
Buteux–Bas-Saguenay Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 10
Schedule 11
Cap-Chat Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 11
Schedule 12
Capitachouane Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 12
Schedule 13
Casault Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 13
Schedule 14
Chapais Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 14
Schedule 15
Chapeau-de-Paille Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 15
Schedule 16
Chauvin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 16
Schedule 17
Collin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 17
Schedule 18
Croche Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 18
Schedule 19
D’Iberville Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 19
Schedule 20
Dumoine Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 20
Schedule 21
Festubert Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 21
Schedule 22
Forestville Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 22
Schedule 23
Frémont Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 23
Schedule 24
Grande-Rivière Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 24
Schedule 25
Gros-Brochet Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 25
Schedule 26
Jaro Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 26
Schedule 27
Jeannotte Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 27
Schedule 28
Kipawa Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 28
Schedule 29
Kiskissink Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 29
Schedule 30
Labrieville Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 30
Schedule 31
Lac-au-Sable Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 31
Schedule 32
Lac-Brébeuf Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 32
Schedule 33
Lac-de-la-Boiteuse Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 33
Schedule 34
Lavigne Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 34
Schedule 35
Lesueur Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 35
M.O. 2023-1008
Schedule 36
Lièvre Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 36
Schedule 37
Louise-Gosford Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 37
Schedule 38
Maganasipi Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 38
Schedule 39
Maison-de-Pierre Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 39
Schedule 40
Mars-Moulin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 40
Schedule 41
Martin-Valin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 41
Schedule 42
des Martres Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 42
Schedule 43
Matimek Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 43
Schedule 44
Mazana Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 44
Schedule 45
Menokeosawin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 45
Schedule 46
Mitchinamecus Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 46
M.O. 2023-1008
Schedule 47
Nordique Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 47
Schedule 48
Normandie Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 48
Schedule 49
des Nymphes Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 49
Schedule 50
Oie-Blanche-de-Montmagny Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 50
Schedule 51
Onatchiway Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 51
Schedule 52
Owen Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 52
Schedule 53
Pabok Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 53
Schedule 54
des Passes Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 54
Schedule 55
Petawaga Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 55
Schedule 56
Petite-Rivière-Cascapédia Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 56
Schedule 57
Pontiac Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 57
Schedule 58
Rapides-des-Joachims Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 58
Schedule 59
Restigo Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 59
Schedule 60
Rivière-à-Mars Controlled Zone
(See French Edition)
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 60
A.M. 2024-1002 (French only)
Schedule 61
Rivière-aux-Rats Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 61
Schedule 62
Rivière-Blanche Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 62
Schedule 63
Rivière-Bonaventure Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 63
Schedule 64
Rivière-Cap-Chat Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 64
Schedule 65
Rivière-Dartmouth Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 65
Schedule 66
Rivière-de-la-Trinité Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 66
Schedule 67
Rivière-des-Escoumins Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 67
Schedule 68
Rivière-Jacques-Cartier Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 68
Schedule 69
Rivière-Laval Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 69
Schedule 70
Rivière-Madeleine Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 70
Schedule 71
Rivière-Matane Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 71
Schedule 72
Rivière-Mitis Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 72
Schedule 73
Rivière-Moisie Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 73
Schedule 74
Rivière-Nouvelle Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 74
Schedule 75
Rivière-Petit-Saguenay Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 75
Schedule 76
Rivière-Rimouski Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 76
Schedule 77
Rivière-Sainte-Marguerite Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 77
Schedule 78
Rivière-Saint-Jean-du-Saguenay Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 78
Schedule 79
Rivière-York Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 79
Schedule 80
Rivières-Godbout-et-Mistassini Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 80
Schedule 81
Saint-Patrice Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 81
Schedule 82
Saint-Romain Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 82
Schedule 83
Tawachiche Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 83
Schedule 84
Trinité Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 84
Schedule 85
Varin Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 85
Schedule 86
Wessonneau Controlled Zone
M.O. 2022-1001
Sch. 86
M.O. 2022-1001, 2022 G.O. 2, 4139
M.O. 2023-1008, 2023 G.O. 2, 3182
A.M. 2024-1002 (French only), 2024 G.O. 2, 5119
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