Browse by Alphanumeric

Alphanumeric Title
E-1.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting energy conservation in new buildings Revoked
E-1.2, r. 1 Regulation respecting the energy efficiency of electrical or hydrocarbon-fuelled appliances Replaced
E-2.2, r. 1 Regulation respecting models of ballot papers and the form of the template for municipal elections and referendums
E-2.2, r. 2 Regulation respecting the tariff of remuneration payable for municipal elections and referendums
E-2.2, r. 3 Regulation respecting voting by mail
E-2.3, r. 1 Regulation respecting the reimbursement of election expenses of candidates in school elections
E-3.3, r. 1 Regulation respecting the authenticity of documents issued by the Chief Electoral Officer and the delegation of signing authority
E-3.3, r. 2 Regulation respecting a new election notice in the case of a tie-vote Revoked
E-3.3, r. 3 Regulation respectiong a new election notice following a candidate’s death Revoked
E-3.3, r. 4 Regulation respecting the conditions of exercise of the duties of returning officer
E-3.3, r. 5 Regulation respecting contracts of the Commission de la représentation Replaced
E-3.3, r. 5.1 Regulation respecting contracts of the Commission de la représentation
E-3.3, r. 6 Regulation respecting contracts of the Chief Electoral Officer Replaced
E-3.3, r. 6.1 Regulation respecting contracts of the Chief Electoral Officer
E-3.3, r. 7 Nomination Regulation Revoked
E-3.3, r. 8 Regulation respecting the paper manufacturer and printer of ballot papers Revoked
E-3.3, r. 9 Regulation respecting the determination of the candidates entitled to recommend certain election officers
E-3.3, r. 10 Elector Identification Regulation
E-3.3, r. 11 Regulation respecting the right to recommand enumerators, revisors and revising officers
E-3.3, r. 12 Regulation respecting enumerators’ badges
E-3.3, r. 12.1 List of electoral divisions with their name and their boundaries
E-3.3, r. 13 Règlement sur le tarif de la rémunération et des frais des membres de la commission permanente de révision
E-3.3, r. 14 Regulation respecting the tariff of remuneration and expenses of election officers
E-3.3, r. 15 Règlement sur le tarif des frais exigibles pour la transmission des renseignements contenus à la liste électorale permanente au directeur général des élections du Canada Revoked
E-3.3, r. 15.1 Règlement sur le tarif des frais exigibles pour la transmission des renseignements contenus à la liste électorale permanente au Directeur général des élections du Canada Revoked
E-3.3, r. 15.2 Règlement sur le tarif des frais exigibles pour la transmission des renseignements contenus à la liste électorale permanente au directeur général des élections du Canada Revoked
E-3.3, r. 16 Regulation respecting costs for a recount
E-3.3, r. 17 Voting Regulation Revoked
E-6.1, r. 0.1 Code of ethics of the members of the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal
E-6.1, r. 0.2 Regulation respecting the procedure for the recruitment and selection of persons qualified for appointment as members of the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal and the procedure for the renewal of their term of office
E-6.1, r. 0.3 Rules of evidence and procedure of the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal
E-6.1, r. 1 Rules of procedure of the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal Replaced
E-6.1, r. 2 Tariff of duties and fees related to applications heard by the Financial Markets Administrative Tribunal
E-9.1, r. 1 Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting private education
E-9.1, r. 2 Regulation respecting the definition of resident in Québec
E-9.1, r. 2.1 Regulation respecting agreements entered into by private educational institutions with respect to collaboration with police forces for prevention and investigation purposes and interventions by police officers in an emergency or when an act of bullying or violence is reported
E-9.1, r. 3 Regulation respecting private educational institutions at the preschool, elementary school and secondary school levels
E-9.1, r. 4 Regulation respecting private educational institutions at the college level
E-12.000001, r. 1 Regulation under the Money-Services Businesses Act
E-12.000001, r. 2 Regulation respecting fees and tariffs payable under the Money-Services Businesses Act
E-12.001, r. 1 Regulation respecting the report on pay equity
E-12.001, r. 2 Regulation respecting pay equity in enterprises where there are no predominantly male job classes
E-12.01, r. 1 Regulation respecting the disposal of things seized
E-12.01, r. 2 Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable wildlife species and their habitats
E-12.01, r. 3 Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable plant species and their habitats
E-12.01, r. 4 Ministerial Order concerning the establishment of a list of threatened or vulnerable vascular plant species which are likely to be so designated and a list of threatened or vulnerable wildlife species which are likely to be so designated Replaced
E-12.01, r. 5 List of plant and wildlife species which are likely to be designated as threatened or vulnerable
E-14.2, r. 1 Regulation respecting tourist accommodation establishments Revoked
E-18, r. 0.1 Règlement sur l’allocation forfaitaire de frais de fonction et les autres allocations des membres du Conseil exécutif
E-18, r. 1 Orders in Council (Exemption from Complete Publication) Regulation
E-18, r. 2 Décret établissant le Grand Sceau du Québec
E-19, r. 1 Order respecting the application of the Act respecting reciprocal enforcement of maintenance orders
E-20.01, r. 1 Regulation respecting Nasdaq stock exchange activities in Québec Revoked
E-20.1, r. 1 Regulation of the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec
E-22, r. 1 Regulation under the Act respecting explosives