73. The Société may require a person applying for a licence or for the renewal of a licence, to have the class of his licence changed or to have another class added to it, or to have a condition appearing on his licence removed, to undergo a medical examination or health assessment by such medical specialist or other health professional as the Société may designate by name. The person must, where so required by the Société, submit to it a report of the examination or assessment within the time it indicates, which may in no case exceed 90 days.
In addition, the Société may require that the examination or assessment be carried out in a hospital centre or in a rehabilitation centre it designates by name or that belongs to the class it specifies among the classes established by section 86 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2).
The Société may also require that a person applying for the removal of a condition appearing on his licence undergo a proficiency examination.
If the examination shows that the person suffers from chronic alcoholism or a pharmaco-physiological alcohol dependence or the assessment shows that the person’s relationship with alcohol compromises the safe operation of a road vehicle corresponding to the class of licence applied for, the probationary licence or driver’s licence that may be issued to the person by the Société shall authorize the person to drive a road vehicle only if it is equipped with an alcohol ignition interlock device approved by the Société.
If warranted by exceptional medical reasons, the Société may exempt a person from the obligation to equip the vehicle the person drives with an alcohol ignition interlock device. In that case, the person is prohibited from driving or having the care or control of a vehicle if any alcohol is present in the person’s body. The Société may require the person to furnish it with any relevant information or documents concerning the person’s relationship with alcohol.
1986, c. 91, s. 73; 1987, c. 94, s. 9; 1990, c. 19, s. 11; 1996, c. 56, s. 16; 2001, c. 29, s. 2.