For the fiscal year 2016, the maximum amounts established for the positions referred to in the second paragraph of this section concerning the total annual remuneration a member of the council of a municipality is entitled to receive, are as follows:
(1) for the mayor of Ville de Montréal, $165,373;
(2) for the mayor of Ville de Québec, $156,922;
(3) for the mayor of a municipality with a population of 300,000 or more, $151,489;
(4) for the mayor of a municipality with a population of 100,000 to 299,999, $142,438;
(5) for the mayor of a municipality with a population of 50,000 to 99,999, $117,088;
(6) for a member of the executive committee of a metropolitan community or the chair or vice-chair of a standing committee of a metropolitan community, $124,494;
(7) for the warden elected in accordance with section 210.29.2 of the Act respecting municipal territorial organization, $78,462;
(8) for a member of the council of a municipality, other than a member referred to in subparagraphs 1 to 7 of the second paragraph of this section or section 21.2 of this Act, $103,310.
See Notice of indexing dated 19 December 2015; (2015) 147 G.O. 1, 1270.