C-27.1 - Municipal Code of Québec

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M.C. 1916, Form 15 (part); 1968, c. 86, s. 30; 1996, c. 2, s. 454.
(Article 420)

Certificate of Publication of a Public Notice

Province of Québec,
Municipality of ..............

I, the undersigned, N. B., (style) residing in the parish (or the township) of (name of parish or township, as the case may be), certify under my oath of office (or under my special oath, as the case may be) that I published the within public notice (or public notice hereunto annexed) by posting a copy thereof, at each of the following places, viz: (places where the notice was posted).
In testimony whereof, I give this certificate, this .............. day of the month of .............. nineteen hundred ..............

N. B.
M.C. 1916, Form 15 (part); 1968, c. 86, s. 30.