M-22.1, r. 1.1 - Ministerial Order regarding management indicators that relate to the administration of certain municipal bodies

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Function and activity Indicator Definition Formula
Public safety

Fire safety Cost of fire safety per $100 of
assessment Cost of the fire safety activity per $100 of
assessment Cost of the fire safety activity x 100
Standardized real estate value

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Road transportation

Municipal roads Cost of municipal roads per
kilometre of road Cost of the municipal road activity per
kilometre of road belonging to the
municipal body Cost of the municipal road activity
Number of kilometres of roads

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Road transportation

Snow removal Cost of snow removal per
kilometre of road Cost of the snow removal activity per
kilometre of road belonging to the
municipal body Cost of the snow removal activity
Number of kilometres of roads cleared of snow

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Environmental hygiene

Water supply, purification
and distribution network Number of breaks per 100
kilometres of pipe Number of breaks in the water supply
system per 100 km of drinking
water pipes, excluding breaks at water
inlets Number of breaks in the water
supply system x 100
Number of kilometres of drinking
water pipes
Cost of distribution per
kilometre of pipe Cost of the drinking water distribution
activity in relation to the number of
kilometres of drinking water pipes
belonging to a municipal body Cost of the drinking water distribution activity
Number of kilometres of drinking water pipes

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Function and activity Indicator Definition Formula
Cost of supplying and
purifying drinking water per
cubic metre of water Cost assumed by the municipal body to
purify 1 m3 of water and for
water supply Cost of the water supply and drinking water
purification activity
Total number of cubic metres of water purified

a) pre-amortization operating costs
b) operating costs
Cost of distribution per cubic
metre of water Cost assumed by the municipal body to
distribute 1 m3 of drinking
water Cost of the drinking water distribution activity
Number of cubic metres of water circulating in the network

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Environmental hygiene

Wastewater treatment
and sewer systems Cost of treatment per cubic
metre of wastewater Cost of treating 1 m3 of wastewater Cost of the wastewater treatment activity
Number of cubic metres of wastewater treated by the treatment plant

a) pre-amortization operating costs
b) operating costs
Cost of sewer systems per
kilometre of pipes Cost of the sewer systems activity per
kilometre of sewer pipes, excluding
service inlets Cost of the sewer systems activity
Number of kilometres of sewer pipes

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Function and activity Indicator Definition Formula
Cost of sewer systems per
cubic metre of wastewater Cost of the sewer systems activity per
cubic metre of wastewater Cost of the sewer systems activity
Number of cubic metres of wastewater
circulating in the systems

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Environmental hygiene

Household and similar
waste Cost of collecting household
and similar waste by premises Cost of the household and similar waste
collection activities by premises Cost of the collection, transportation
and elimination of household and
similar waste activities
Number of premises served by the collection
of household and similar waste

a) pre-amortization operating costs –
services provided
b) operating costs – services provided
Environmental hygiene

Separate collection of
recyclable materials Average annual yield on
separate collection Metric tonnes of recyclable materials
(separate collection) collected per
inhabitant benefiting from the separate
collection service Number of metric tonnes of recyclable
materials (separate collection) collected
Total number of inhabitants in the territory
served by the separate collection service
Average annual diversion Percentage of recyclable materials
(separate collection) in relation to total
household and similar waste and
separate collection Number of metric tonnes of recyclable
materials (separate collection)
collected x 100
Number of metric tonnes of household and
similar waste and recyclable materials
(separate collection) collected
Function and activity Indicator Definition Formula
Planning, urban planning
and development

Planning, urban planning
and development Growth in residential
assessed value Percentage of the value of taxable new
units and residential renovation in relation
to the total value of taxable residential
units Value of taxable new units and
residential renovations x 100
Total value of taxable residential units
Human resources Training effort per employee Number of training hours paid in relation
to persons/year Number of hours of training
Percentage of training cost in
relation to total remuneration Percentage of training cost in relation to
total remuneration Cost of training x 100
Total remuneration
Percentage of potential
retirements Percentage of potential retirements within
5 years after 31 December of the fiscal
year under study in relation to the total
number of regular employees Number of potential retirements
within the next 5 years x 100
Number of regular employees
M.O. 2012-02-15, Sch.