9. For the purposes of these Rules, including the related form and table,
“annual income” means income from any source, in particular wages, salaries and other remuneration, support paid by a third party and received for one’s own needs, employment insurance benefits, parental insurance benefits and other benefits granted under a statutory pension or compensation plan, dividends, interest and other investment income, net income from rental activities and net income from the operation of a business or from self-employment; notwithstanding the foregoing, this definition excludes government family transfers, last-resort financial assistance and any sums granted by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and received under a financial assistance program for education expenses;
“child care expenses” means, in addition to the annual child care expenses required to fulfil the child’s needs, the child care expenses that the custodial parent must incur in particular to hold employment or to receive training or by reason of his health condition;
“custody time” means the time during which a parent has the custody of a child or exercises visiting and outing rights in respect of a child, whether or not the child is in the care of a third person during that time;
“disposable income” means the annual income, less the amounts mentioned in Part 3 of the form as the basic deduction and deductions for union and professional dues.
“post-secondary education expenses” means the annual expenses incurred so that a child may pursue post-secondary studies, including in particular, in addition to tuition fees and expenses for required pedagogical materials, transportation or accommodation expenses incurred for that purpose;
“special expenses” means annual expenses other than child care expenses and post-secondary education expenses, such as medical expenses, expenses for primary or secondary studies or for any other educational program and expenses related to extracurricular activities, where those expenses are linked to the needs required by the particular situation experienced by the child.
The expenses described above shall be understood as expenses less any related advantage, subsidy, deduction or tax credit, including any sum granted by the Minister of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology and received by the child under a financial assistance program for education expenses. The income considered is that of the current year, unless the use of that reference period is not advisable given the circumstances, in which case the income is the income foreseeable for 12 months following the filing of the application.
O.C. 484-97, s. 9; O.C. 1312-2003, s. 2; O.C. 1192-2005, s. 1; S.Q. 2013, c. 28, s. 204.