B-1, r. 13 - Regulation respecting the training, skill and knowledge evaluation, accreditation and discipline of stenographers

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Schedule I
(s. 3)
Date of examination: _____________________________________________________________
Surname: ______________________________ Given name: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________ Postal code: ___________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone/Residence: ________________________ Office: _____________________________
Examination: FrenchorEnglish
  Spelling and grammar test
  Stenography test
  Theoretical test on legal and ethical aspects
Method:□ Stenography□ Stenotypy□ Stenomask
Complete this form in block letters and attach a copy of your act of birth and, as the case may be,
(1) a copy of your diploma from the École de sténographie judiciaire du Québec;
(2) a copy of your Diploma of College Studies (D.E.C.) or its equivalent, proof of attendance at the training leading to the theoretical test of the examination provided for in Division II of the Regulation respecting the training, skill and knowledge evaluation, accreditation and discipline of stenographers (chapter B-1, r. 13), and a copy of the stenography training accreditation awarded by an organization recognized by the Comité sur la sténographie;
(3) a copy of your Diploma of College Studies (D.E.C.) or its equivalent, proof of attendance at the training leading to the theoretical test of the examination provided for in Division II of the Regulation respecting the training, skill and knowledge evaluation, accreditation and discipline of stenographers, and a document indicating relevant experience subject to recognition by the Comité sur la sténographie;
(4) a copy of your legal authorization to practise stenography issued by the competent authority of the province of Alberta, Ontario or Saskatchewan, or a Certificate of Proficiency or Certificate of Achievement of the British Columbia Shorthand Reporters Association;
(5) a true copy of the stenographer accreditation granted by the Comité sur la sténographie.
Enclose the sum of $50 plus taxes (GST and QST) (cheque made payable to the Barreau du Québec) for each test selected.
Send the completed registration to:
Comité sur la sténographie
Barreau du Québec
445, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal, (Québec) H2Y 3T8
O.C. 240-2006, Sch. I; O.C. 753-2016, s. 14.
(s. 3)
Date of examination: _________________________________________________________________________
Surname: ____________________________________ Given name: ___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ Postal code: ___________________________________
Telephone residence: ___________________________ office: _______________________________________
Examination: □ French or □ English
Method: □ stenography □ stenotypy □ stenomask
Complete this form in block letters and attach a copy of your act of birth and diploma from the École de sténographie judiciaire du Québec, or a certificate of training equivalent to a Diploma of College Studies (D.E.C.), along with a comparative assessment of studies completed outside Québec, if applicable, a stenography training certificate awarded by an organization recognized by the committee and proof of attendance at the theoretical training given by the École de sténographie judiciaire du Québec.
Enclose the sum of $50 plus taxes (GST and QST) (cheque made payable to the Barreau du Québec).
Once completed, the registration form must be sent to the following address:
Comité sur la sténographie
Barreau du Québec
445, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal, (Québec) H2Y 3T8
O.C. 240-2006, Sch. I.