C-24.1 - Highway Safety Code

Full text
69. (Replaced).
1981, c. 7, s. 69; 1984, c. 23, s. 3; 1986, c. 91, s. 674.
69. To obtain a driver’s licence, a person must be at least sixteen years of age, have passed the proficiency examination, fulfill the other conditions prescribed by regulation of the Government and, in the case of a licence to drive a passenger vehicle other than a motorcycle, have passed a passenger vehicle driving course approved by the Régie.
1981, c. 7, s. 69; 1984, c. 23, s. 3.
69. To obtain a driver’s licence, a person must be at least sixteen years of age, have passed a driving course corresponding to the class of licence applied for and approved by the Régie, have passed the proficiency examination of the Régie and have fulfilled the other conditions prescribed by regulation of the Government.
1981, c. 7, s. 69.