C-24.1 - Highway Safety Code

Full text
434. (Replaced).
1981, c. 7, s. 434; 1984, c. 23, s. 9; 1986, c. 91, s. 674.
434. The person responsible for the maintenance of a public highway may, for reasons of safety or in the public interest during extraordinary events, prohibit or restrict, for such time as he specifies, all or certain road vehicle traffic on that public highway or part thereof.
Any sign, barrier or other device prohibiting traffic placed at the entrance of a public highway or part thereof is proof of the prohibition.
1981, c. 7, s. 434; 1984, c. 23, s. 9.
434. The person responsible for the maintenance of a public highway may, for reasons of safety, prohibit or restrict for such time as he specifies, all or certain categories of road vehicle traffic on that highway or part thereof.
Any sign, barrier or other device prohibiting traffic placed at the entrance of a public highway or part thereof is proof of the prohibition.
1981, c. 7, s. 434.