V-8 - Roads Act

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76. If the date chosen by the council for beginning the work or the proceedings in expropriation is deemed too remote, or if the resolution is not sent within the delay specified in the notice, or if the corporation, after deciding to do the prescribed work and to acquire the necessary land itself, neglects to begin on the date fixed, or, having begun the work or proceedings, does not continue the same with sufficient diligence, or, again, if the Minister of Transport is requested by the resolution to have the work done or the necessary land acquired himself, he may, without further notice and notwithstanding the existence of any municipal by-law respecting the improvement or maintenance of the road, take all necessary measures for having the work done at the expense of the corporation controlling the same, and for acquiring the land needed for the widening or alteration of course ordered by him.
R. S. 1964, c. 133, s. 83; 1972, c. 54, s. 32.