20. The mandate of a regional development council consists primarily in promoting concerted action among partners in the region and giving advice to the Minister on all matters concerning the development of the region.
In order to fulfil its mandate, the council shall develop a strategic plan identifying overall development objectives for the region (referred to as “lines of development”) and more specific objectives (referred to as “development priorities”). The plan must be consistent with the manpower strategies and objectives identified by the regional council of labour market partners serving the same territory.
Based on the strategic plan, the regional council shall enter into a general regional development agreement with the Government determining the lines of development and development priorities for the region as agreed by the parties.
The council shall also enter into specific agreements with government departments or bodies and possibly with other partners to provide for the implementation of the general agreement or for measures to adjust government action in the field of regional development in light of regional particularities.
The regional council shall carry out any other mandate received from the Minister.