61.Calls for tenders published on 31 August 2020 in the electronic tendering system approved by the Government for the purposes of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (chapter C-65.1), under the responsibility of the Centre de services partagés du Québec, Collecto Services regroupés en éducation, Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Est du Québec, Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Ouest du Québec and SigmaSanté, related to the functions entrusted to the Centre by this Act and possibly involving persons or bodies referred to in section 60, are continued under the Centre’s responsibility, without interruption.
61.Calls for tenders published on 31 May 2020 in the electronic tendering system approved by the Government for the purposes of the Act respecting contracting by public bodies (chapter C-65.1), under the responsibility of the Centre de services partagés du Québec, Collecto Services regroupés en éducation, Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Est du Québec, Groupe d’approvisionnement en commun de l’Ouest du Québec and SigmaSanté, related to the functions entrusted to the Centre by this Act and possibly involving persons or bodies referred to in section 60, are continued under the Centre’s responsibility, without interruption.