17. The Agence, to carry out its objects may, in particular,(1) collaborate with the research community and industry to find new ideas and technology that may lead to industrial or commercial applications, taking particular account of the fields identified as of primary importance by the Government in its statements of policy;
(2) grant, on such conditions and within such limits as it may determine, technical or financial support for the achievement of projects in innovative technology in the sectors of activity it determines and at all stages of the invention process up to the stage of the organization of production and marketing;
(3) carry out the surveys and assessments necessary for the selection and development of projects in innovative technology;
(4) enter into agreements with any person or body for the carrying out of the operations required for its activities;
(5) promote, in particular by establishing limited liability partnerships, the contribution, by individuals, companies and corporations of financial support to any project to which it grants assistance;
(6) contribute to the management and exploitation of the patent portfolios of the government departments.