55. The owner or custodian of an animal is not required to comply with any provision of Chapter II whose application, as attested in the written opinion of a veterinary surgeon, is not recommended for the animal, given its state of health or when veterinary treatment is planned.
The opinion of the veterinary surgeon must(1) be signed and dated and indicate the veterinary surgeon’s licence number;
(2) indicate the name and contact information of the animal’s owner or custodian;
(3) describe the animal in question so that it is recognizable by its owner or custodian or by an inspector;
(4) state the requirement from which the animal’s owner or custodian is temporarily exempted;
(5) state the period during which the owner or custodian is exempted from the requirement under subparagraph 4; and
(6) be kept by the animal’s owner or custodian for the period stated under subparagraph 5 and made available to an inspector on request.