15. At the end of the nomination period, if there are more than 2 valid nominations, the officer draws up the list of candidates and sends it to the president and executive director of the institution within 3 working days.
Not later than 20 days before the election date, the president and executive director must, by mail or regular advertising inserts, give a notice indicating the date, period, polling locations and the list of candidates. The polling period indicated in the notice must extend from at least noon to 8 p.m. The polling notice must also indicate that no advance polling will be held and that proxy voting is prohibited. The notice is accompanied by a copy of the information sheets.
The president and executive director must also, within the same period, post the notice and a copy of the information sheets in a location accessible to the public in each of the institution’s facilities and publish them on the website of the institution.
Where information appearing in the published polling notice is modified, the president and executive director of the institution must publish a notice on the website of the institution. The notice must also be posted in each of the institution’s facilities.