Notice is given to ___________________________________________________________
(name and address of producer, dealer or carrier)
that following inspection, we ________________________________________________
(name of inspector)
inspector at the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de
l’Alimentation, have reason to believe that:
( ) potatoes in your possession are infected with:
1° name of disease: ______________________________________________________
2° identification of lot infected: _______________________________________
( ) a field which you are using is infected with:
1° name of disease: ______________________________________________________
2° identification of field infected: _____________________________________
Therefore, upon receipt of this notice, you must:
( ) segregate the diseased potatoes from the other potatoes in your
( ) not use, sell or deliver, for planting, any of the diseased potatoes;
( ) where diseased potatoes are sold or delivered, evidence the sale or
delivery on the document prescribed in Schedule 3 to the Regulation
respecting prevention of disease in potatoes (chapter P-42.1, r. 1);
( ) clean and disinfect the premises, machinery, vehicles, implements,
containers and clothing that have been in contact with diseased potatoes,
under the supervision of _________________________________________________
___________, inspector within a time limit of ___________ days of receipt
of this notice and in accordance with the following method:
( ) take the following measures to control or eradicate contamination of
the field: _______________________________________________________________
under the supervision of _________________, inspector, for a period of
___________________, effective from the receipt of this notice and under
the following conditions__________________________________________________
( ) dispose of any potato culls by eliminating them through incineration,
sanitary landfill or destruction by means of a chemical process.
Signed at ____________________________________________________________________
On ___________________________________________________________________________
(Signature of inspector)