8. Despite section 7 and subject to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (S.C. 1996, c. 19), a medication listed in Schedule I may be sold on prescription from (1) a pharmacist where the medication is prescribed in accordance with subparagraphs 6, 7 and 8 of the second paragraph of section 17 of the Pharmacy Act (chapter P-10), the third paragraph of section 17 of the Act or the Regulation respecting certain professional activities that may be engaged in by a pharmacist (chapter M-9, r. 12.2);
(2) a podiatrist, an optometrist or a midwife, provided that the medication is listed in a regulation made under the Podiatry Act (chapter P-12) or the Optometry Act (chapter O-7), or may be prescribed pursuant to the Midwives Act (chapter S-0.1);
(3) a nurse who holds a specialist’s certificate in one of the classes of specialties referred to in the Regulation respecting the classes of specialization of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec for the activities referred to in section 36.1 of the Nurses Act to be engaged in (chapter I-8, r. 8), in accordance with the Regulation respecting the activities contemplated in section 31 of the Medical Act which may be engaged in by classes of persons other than physicians (chapter M-9, r. 13); or
(4) a nurse, where the medication is prescribed in accordance with the Regulation respecting certain professional activities that may be engaged in by a nurse (chapter M-9, r. 12.001).