96. (Omitted in part). Despite the foregoing,(1) the rules regarding installation, repair or alteration or owner-user permits provided for in Division I of Chapter III come into force on 1 April 2019. Persons wishing to avail themselves of the new system of permits before that date may apply therefor with the Board;
(2) the provisions of CSA Standard Z7396.1, Medical gas pipeline systems – Part 1: Pipelines for medical gases, medical vacuum, medical support gases, and anaesthetic gas scavenging systems, adopted by reference under the second paragraph of section 10, come into force on 1 April 2019. Until that date, BNQ Standard 5710-500, Gaz médicaux ininflammables – Réseaux de distribution des établissements fournissant des services de santé – Caractéristiques et méthodes d’essais, published by BNQ and adopted under the Regulation respecting pressure vessels (chapter A-20.01, r. 1) remains applicable to the installation of pressure equipment intended for the distribution networks of institutions providing health services.