J-0.1.2 - Act to proclaim Memorial Day for Persons Killed or Injured on the Job

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Updated to 1 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter J-0.1.2
Act to proclaim Memorial Day for Persons Killed or Injured on the Job
AS employment injuries are sustained by Québec workers every year;
AS it is important that Québec take action to ensure the health and safety of its workers;
AS a number of States and provinces have officially proclaimed 28 April as the day on which to commemorate persons killed or injured on the job;
AS the International Labour Organization has proclaimed 28 April as World Day for Health and Safety at Work;
AS the proclamation of Memorial Day for Persons Killed or Injured on the Job will help raise awareness about health and safety at work among Quebecers;

1. The twenty-eighth day of April is proclaimed Memorial Day for Persons Killed or Injured on the Job.
2010, c. 17, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
2010, c. 17, s. 2.