M-31.2, r. 0.2 - Terms for obtaining an accreditation with regard to tourist welcome and information services

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Updated to 1 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter M-31.2, r. 0.2
Terms for obtaining an accreditation with regard to tourist welcome and information services
Act respecting the Ministère du Tourisme
(chapter M-31.2, s. 5.1).
M.O. 2024-01, Div. I.
1. A government department or a body referred to in the first paragraph of section 5.1 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Tourisme (chapter M-31.2) wishing to be accredited for the purposes of that section must apply in writing to the Minister of Tourism by sending the relevant accreditation application form to the regional tourism association recognized by the Minister that represents the tourism region where the tourist welcome and information services are provided, duly signed and containing
(1)  the applicant’s name, civic address, email address and, if applicable, website address and the applicant’s telephone numbers;
(2)  the name of the signatory of the application acting as the applicant’s representative;
(3)  the applicant’s business number in the enterprise register referred to in Chapter II of the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (chapter P-44.1);
(4)  the name of the tourist welcome and information site where the services are provided, the site’s civic address, email address and, if applicable, website address and telephone numbers;
(5)  the type of tourist welcome and information site covered by the application, namely, an infotourist centre, a tourist information office, a tourist information relay or an off-site welcome service;
(6)  the period of operation of the tourist welcome and information site; and
(7)  an undertaking by the applicant to comply with the requirements established in Divisions II, III and IV of this Regulation and with the requirements specific to the type of tourist welcome and information site covered by the application.
For the purposes of subparagraph 5 of the first paragraph,
infotourist centre means a site where a tourist welcome and information service is provided that has a welcoming area of at least 20 m2 in which tourist information on Québec as a whole is available, including the possibility of consulting and obtaining official tourism brochures of the recognized regional tourism associations of all regions of Québec (centre Infotouriste);
off-site welcome service means a tourist welcome and information service provided by tourist agents outside regular tourist information facilities. The tourist welcome and information service provides information pertaining mainly to its particular tourism region; (service d’accueil hors les murs)
Bonjour accueil - tourist information office means a site where a tourist welcome and information service is provided that has a welcoming area of at least 20 m2 in which complete tourist information on the tourism region is provided, along with an overview of the various regions of Québec through basic informational aids such as tourism brochures, references to other tourist information offices, contact and location details of tourist attractions, services or accommodations, website references, etc.; (Bonjour accueil -bureau d’information touristique);
tourist information relay means an area sheltered from the weather where information may be obtained by visitors through means other than on-site staff, having Wi-Fi access at all times and a digital tourist service that provides continuous information on a sector, municipality or region. Use of the on-site equipment must be possible without the need for a cellular phone or any other electronic device. (relais d’information touristique)
M.O. 2024-01, s. 1.
2. An accreditation application must be accompanied by
(1)  the accreditation application form that authorizes the applicant’s representative to make the accreditation application; and
(2)  proof that the applicant holds a valid civil liability insurance policy or other equivalent means of protection.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 2.
M.O. 2024-01, Div. II.
§ 1.  — Periods and minimum hours of operation
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 1.
3. The tourist welcome and information site must be operated on a continuous basis at least during the following periods and for the following number of hours:
(1)  in the case of a year-round infotourist centre or Bonjour accueil - tourist information office:
(a)  from 24 June to the first Monday in September of each year: open 6 days per week and 7 hours per day;
(b)  for the rest of the year: open 4 days per week and 5 hours per day;
(2)  in the case of a seasonal infotourist centre or Bonjour accueil - tourist information office:
(a)  from 24 June to the first Monday in September of each year: open 6 days per week and 7 hours per day;
(3)  in the case of a tourist information relay: open year round, 7 days per week, 24 hours per day;
(4)  in the case of an off-site welcome service: the business hours and operating period are at the discretion of the manager of the tourist welcome and information service.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 3.
4. The periods and hours of operation of the tourist welcome and information site must be displayed in a conspicuous place outside the site.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 4.
§ 2.  — Information
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 2.
5. Access to the tourist welcome and information site and the services provided at the site are free of charge.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 5.
§ 3.  — Training
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 3.
6. The applicant must ensure that employees have been trained with regard to services to the tourist clientele, the region’s tourism products, the attractions and services and the standards and procedures relating to the service.
The applicant must also register all tourist agents with the training platform of the Ministère du Tourisme and ensure that, as a minimum, the service by excellence (SPEX) training is applied by all the employees dedicated to welcoming visitors.
The training must be based on a training plan established by the applicant.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 6.
7. The applicant must prepare a tourist agent manual that includes standards, procedures and an emergency action plan. The manual must be updated and made available for on-site consultation.
The information relating to the Bonjour accueil - tourist information office posted on the Bonjour Québec website must be maintained by the manager of the tourist welcome and information site.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 7.
§ 4.  — Human resources
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 4.
8. Even though the service is provided in French, the presence of a staff member able to converse in functional English is desirable at all times. In the absence of such a person, the applicant must ensure that employees have access to simultaneous translation applications.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 8.
9. The tourist agents who are to provide the tourist information services must be encouraged to dress appropriately so as to project an image of service quality and respect for the tourist clientele.
They must also wear an insignia or other type of identification displaying their given name or their full name.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 9.
M.O. 2024-01, Div. III.
§ 1.  — Geographic location
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 1.
10. The tourist welcome and information site must be entered on the tourist welcome and information site location plan prepared by the recognized regional tourism association of the region in which the site is situated.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 10.
§ 2.  — Physical characteristics
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 2.
11. The tourist welcome and information site must respect the minimum welcoming area requirements for its type and meet the standards applicable under the Building Act (chapter B-1.1).
M.O. 2024-01, s. 11.
12. With the approval of the regional tourism association, the tourist welcome and information site where the service is provided may be located at the same place as a service business such as a service station, boutique or tourist attraction, with or without a separate entrance, and must respect the following enabling conditions:
(1)  the tourist welcome and information service must be managed by a non-profit organization;
(2)  the employees must be under the authority of that manager and not the service business where the tourist welcome and information service is located;
(3)  the employees of the tourist welcome and information service are dedicated exclusively to welcoming and providing tourist information to visitors;
(4)  to compensate for the lack of casual employees, an employee of the service business may also provide tourist welcome and information services to visitors so long as the manager of those services ensures that the employee has been adequately trained;
(5)  the welcoming area must have a floor area of at least 20 m2.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 12.
13. The manager of the tourist welcome and information service may conduct complementary commercial activities at the tourist welcome and information site such as the sale of tickets for tourism activities and the sale of tourist documents, terroir products and souvenirs of Québec.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 13.
14. A rest area with no fewer than 2 chairs or seats must be made available to visitors.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 14.
15. The interior and exterior condition of the tourist welcome and information site, its parking area and its material must be maintained to be safe, pleasant and clean.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 15.
16. The tourist welcome and information site must be adapted so that mobility impaired persons may easily access it and avail themselves of the services provided.
The tourist welcome and information site must meet the accessibility criteria of the Kéroul organization.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 16.
17. A parking space for mobility impaired persons must be available near the main entrance to the tourist welcome and information site.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 17.
18. The tourist clientele at the tourist welcome and information site must have, on the site or within 45 m of it, access to public washrooms adapted for mobility impaired persons.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 18.
19. A parking space (free or paid) must be available on the tourist welcome and information site or within 30 m of it.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 19.
§ 3.  — Displaying
M.O. 2024-01, Sd. 3.
20. The following information must be conspicuously displayed outside the tourist welcome and information site:
(1)  the periods of operation and business hours;
(2)  the telephone numbers to call in an emergency (“911” or “0”, police “310-4141” or “*4141” for cell phones, ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable “511”).
The displaying of Bonjour Québec identification inside the tourist welcome and information site is desirable.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 20.
M.O. 2024-01, Div. IV; I.N. 2024-05-01.
21. The applicant may not operate a tourism enterprise for commercial purposes if the enterprise may avail itself of the tourist information services provided by the applicant.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 21.
22. The applicant must make a complaint form available to the tourist clientele, ensure complaint follow-up consistent with the complaint management procedure developed by the regional tourism association, and file and keep the complaints together in a binder.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 22.
23. The applicant must enter statistics on the number of visitors, their place of origin (postal code or zip code, country of origin) and the number of requests for information received, using the data collection tool supplied by the Ministère du Tourisme.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 23.
M.O. 2024-01, Div. V.
24. Sections 6 to 9, 14 and 23 do not apply if the tourist welcome and information site is a tourist information relay.
M.O. 2024-01, s. 24.
25. (Omitted).
M.O. 2024-01, s. 25.
M.O. 2024-01, 2024 G.O. 2, 1024