c-24.2, r. 0.1.2 - Ministerial Order concerning the use on public highways of certain 2- or 3-wheeled motor vehicles that have the appearance of a motorcycle or moped

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Updated to 1 November 2024
This document has official status.
chapter C-24.2, r. 0.1.2
Ministerial Order concerning the use on public highways of certain 2- or 3-wheeled motor vehicles that have the appearance of a motorcycle or moped
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, s. 633.1).
1. The use on public highways is prohibited for 2 or 3-wheeled motor vehicles, with or without pedals, that have the appearance of a motorcycle or moped, do not bear a national safety mark within the meaning of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (S.C. 1993, c. 16) or the compliance label prescribed by that Act, and have at least one of the following characteristics:
(1)  footrests or a platform for the driver’s feet;
(2)  a set of tires and wheels that has the appearance of that of a motorcycle or moped;
(3)  a body that partly or completely covers their frame or some of their components, and no height-adjustable saddle;
(4)  an engine that makes it possible to reach a speed of over 32 km/h or has a power rating greater than 500 W.
M.O. 2024-15, s. 1.
2. Section 1 does not apply to the following vehicles:
(1)  motorcycles and mopeds whose date of manufacture is earlier than 1 January 1971;
(2)  motorcycles and mopeds that bear a safety certification mark indicating that the vehicle complies with the motor vehicle safety standards of the United States or Mexico applicable, as the case may be, to motorcycles or mopeds;
(3)  motorcycles and mopeds manufactured 15 years ago or more that bear a safety certification mark indicating that the vehicle complies with the motor vehicle safety standards of a country other than the United States or Mexico applicable, as the case may be, to motorcycles or mopeds;
(4)  motorcycles made by hand for which an inspection certificate was issued by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec under section 214 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2);
(5)  off-highway vehicles within the meaning of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3);
(6)  vehicles authorized to be used on public highways by an order made under the second paragraph of section 633.1 or 633.2 of the Highway Safety Code.
M.O. 2024-15, s. 2.
3. Any person wishing to comment on this Order is requested to submit written comments before 28 October 2024 to François Fortin, Director, Direction générale de l’expertise légale et de la sécurité des véhicules, Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, 333, boulevard Jean-Lesage, E-4-34, P.O. box 19600, Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6; email: francois.fortin@saaq.gouv.qc.ca.
M.O. 2024-15, s. 3; Erratum, 2024 G.O. 2, 3390A.
4. (Omitted in part).
This Regulation is revoked on 26 January 2025.
M.O. 2024-15, s. 4; Erratum, 2024 G.O. 2, 3390A.
M.O. 2024-15, 2024 G.O. 2, 3278A and 3390A