R-9.2 - Act respecting the Pension Plan of Peace Officers in Correctional Services

Full text
(Section 35)
The maximum number of years over which payments pursuant to section 35 may be spread is the number appearing opposite the figure corresponding to the employee’s age at their last birthday. The number of years shall, in no case, however, exceed five times the number of years of service for which a sum of money is payable.
Age Period Age Period

35 (or under) 32 51 20
36 31 52 19
37 30 53 19
38 30 54 18
39 29 55 17
40 28 56 17
41 27 57 16
42 27 58 15
43 26 59 15
44 25 60 14
45 25 61 13
46 24 62 13
47 23 63 12
48 22 64 12
49 22 65 11
50 21 66 (and over) 10
1987, c. 107, Schedule I; 2004, c. 39, s. 60; 2022, c. 22, s. 288.
(Section 35)
The maximum number of years over which payments pursuant to section 35 may be spread is the number appearing opposite the figure corresponding to the employee’s age at his last birthday. The number of years shall, in no case, however, exceed five times the number of years of service for which a sum of money is payable.
Age Period Age Period

35 (or under) 32 51 20
36 31 52 19
37 30 53 19
38 30 54 18
39 29 55 17
40 28 56 17
41 27 57 16
42 27 58 15
43 26 59 15
44 25 60 14
45 25 61 13
46 24 62 13
47 23 63 12
48 22 64 12
49 22 65 11
50 21 66 (and over) 10
1987, c. 107, Schedule I; 2004, c. 39, s. 60.

Table of instalments
(Section 24)

The maximum number of years over which payments pursuant to
section 24 may be spread is the number appearing opposite the
figure corresponding to the employee’s age at his last birthday.
The number of years shall, in no case, however, exceed five
times the number of years of service for which a sum of money
is payable.

Age Period Age Period

35 (or under) 32 51 20
36 31 52 19
37 30 53 19
38 30 54 18
39 29 55 17
40 28 56 17
41 27 57 16
42 27 58 15
43 26 59 15
44 25 60 14
45 25 61 13
46 24 62 13
47 23 63 12
48 22 64 12
49 22 65 11
50 21 66 (and over) 10
1987, c. 107, Schedule I.