F-3.1.2 - Act to establish Fondaction, le Fonds de développement de la Confédération des syndicats nationaux pour la coopération et l’emploi

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4.5. The functions of the governance and ethics committee include
(1)  developing and recommending to the board:
(a)  the overall expertise and experience profile sought for the board;
(b)  the procedure for examining the past experience of persons who may be appointed or elected as board members;
(c)  a policy to determine whether a person in a situation submitted to the board qualifies as an independent person;
(d)  the candidate nomination process for the election of board members by the general meeting of holders of class “A” and class “B” shares; and
(2)  giving its assessment to the board, in light of the committee’s examination, as to whether a person qualifies as an independent person.
2015, c. 8, s. 308.